Bonsai Kogetsu Azalea

C'mon folks.....

After the lashing....
Young man is still here....

Please give him one more chance....

I agree with everything that has been said.....
Johng was right!
That shit was wrong....

A kid trying to come and make $ in a way that was never really gonna happen...
At least not off us.....

We ought not bash and hate any longer....

I feel he has learned his lesson.

I would be 100% if JohnG pmed me saying young man understands that He(JG)was Right.

But 99% ain't terrible.

To me....

This is about the future of American Bonsai.........

Where one CAN make a living doing this..
Just like Japan.

It's a far way off....

But we can either mold this kid into righteousness.....
Or be Fucking douchebags!

One change at a time.....
Or lengthen the time it takes to have this $ here.

Please select righteous.....

Please remember when you were young...
Dumb....and full of College tuition bills.

I only ever been to college parties....
But I learned enough to figure...

Look past the text.

None of this would have happened in a world with no internet.

Continuing this......
Just as bad as "terrorism"

Peace peace.....

But ORB.....
JohnG was right.....
Respectful enough to truth you in private....
I don't care to hear about what was said if it was any other......

Peace sometimes comes in Silence.

C'mon folks.....

After the lashing....
Young man is still here....

Please give him one more chance....

I agree with everything that has been said.....
Johng was right!
That shit was wrong....

A kid trying to come and make $ in a way that was never really gonna happen...
At least not off us.....

We ought not bash and hate any longer....

I feel he has learned his lesson.

I would be 100% if JohnG pmed me saying young man understands that He(JG)was Right.

But 99% ain't terrible.

To me....

This is about the future of American Bonsai.........

Where one CAN make a living doing this..
Just like Japan.

It's a far way off....

But we can either mold this kid into righteousness.....
Or be Fucking douchebags!

One change at a time.....
Or lengthen the time it takes to have this $ here.

Please select righteous.....

Please remember when you were young...
Dumb....and full of College tuition bills.

I only ever been to college parties....
But I learned enough to figure...

Look past the text.

None of this would have happened in a world with no internet.

Continuing this......
Just as bad as "terrorism"

Peace peace.....

But ORB.....
JohnG was right.....
Respectful enough to truth you in private....
I don't care to hear about what was said if it was any other......

Peace sometimes comes in Silence.


For once, Sorce, you spoke in English, and not in code, lol. You make some good points. I think what gets me riled is the PM thing.

College parties were the bomb.


I need a drink...

For once, Sorce, you spoke in English, and not in code, lol. You make some good points. I think what gets me riled is the PM thing.

College parties were the bomb.


I need a drink...


I know....the PM thing......that is exactly what you called it.....

Fucking kids these days!

We have to be adults and remember this you know!

I ain't even "Christian" like some a you Hot Boys......

But the Values remain.....


Drink em Up MM

I love you man!

And the whole time I read back thinking ......

Damn this is too coded for important shit!

I don't even know!

No seriously guys, it's still listed for $300. Isn't that the point of this thread?
No seriously guys, it's still listed for $300. Isn't that the point of this thread?

How serendipitous would it be if he gouged another college student just getting into bonsai...

Grow/sell weed, I've heard it's much more profitable ;)
I think after a given amount of time you aren't allowed to edit posts anymore.

He means on eBay I reckon.....

I don't know if making loot was ever not the point of this thread though.....


It's like trying to change the world.....
(which is a personal goal,of course)
It's not gonna happen....

As much as I'd like to think we/BNUT can change Bonsai.....

Every Fucking day I watch a new YouTube Video of a slick Fuck....with a room of divorced or Fucking him women bout to divorce....
Talking some stupid ass shit about how a stick in a pot is bonsai......

C'mon you missed that one!?
The women here ain't those women!

Dude may be here!

But anyway.....

I'm sorry but while we may spin off, or break away from, or imitate, or hate on, or detest, or love Japanese Bonsai......


You must approach this with respect for the Chinese.

Respect for the Originator like you respect your mother....

Come to Think Of it.....
I think that's Why I like Cadi sooo much..
(i chalk her fretting to society)
Without us messing with her....
She has a pure Joy for "the bench"!

Would she be so happy without BNUT....
Just a farmgirl?

So who is who?

Who is helping....and who is just talking shit....

Them cats running these Facebook auctions deserve respect.
W.P. deserves respect....did you watch the video?

Hell...I saw John Wayne mentioned on the blog...(though a little misquoted don't just look like him...I only half thought RUN shit like him) and that brings me Joy!

And the list of the dedicated can be found with your own research...(look up the definition of research first.....)

That young cat from the topdressing video....
Badass dude......


The PNW.....


Fucking Smoke....
Fuck you if you got me on ignore...
I don't go a day without utilizing your shit!

These budding Potters here!

BonsaiNut offers us this free space to constantly better ourselves....our human relations.....our bonsai techniques.....
Our children raising, fish stories...reefs...reefers...trains....swimming...
And we take it for granted over and over and over.

I love jokes....
Crazy is what it been before I got here....

But I'm tired of hearing people whine....
And then proceed to BE what makes them whine in the first place.....

Maybe it's cuz I can't donate $ that I feel this way....
Maybe I can't throw a coin in Si the Koifish's (search it) pond and Think I done my part.
Does that make me right about $.
Is $ the devil...?

The flip of righteous is religion in every piece of written, scribbled, oral, and doodled history.

I guess I am a communist....
Back to the Chinese! Lol!

Let's just help....

Let's learn to communicate proper here...

Let's not take for granted the freedom of speech that you'd be hella hard pressed to find anywhere else....
And use it WISELY...

Not to come say....that gives me the right to say what I want!
That just makes you look like a Moron.

We can really make some dope trees together.....
But we don't.....
Then we cry about it....

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