M. Frary
Bonsai Godzilla
That's the most shocking thing I've read in this thread.
There's more than one way to get a bonsai education. Forums can, and often are, a part of that, especially for our far flung and isolated friends. For my part I started on bonsai forums.... I quickly found in my heart the level of commitment that I wanted to give to this art and a teacher who gave me the bounty he could impart, for which he charged me only the sweat of my brow. Not every teacher costs a fortune for the fortunate few. For anyone not living next door it would cost upwards of 15K to get an education lasting 30 days from the rightly esteemed Boon. That's a lot of trees, when I have been able to have 100s of days of intensive one-on-one training for the cost of showing up. The cost for working with Ryan is even higher, AND you have to provide the wire you will be applying to HIS trees. lol (That part cracked me up.) The cost of either option is daunting for most.
I think that because I have been given freely the knowledge I have acquired, I give it just as freely. I would never have gotten anywhere without the nurturing of the forums however.... and for that I am beyond grateful. The friendships that the forums have provided me are the icing on the cake, for there are many I treasure dearly (Al, Vance, Rob, Dave etc...) whether or not I have met them.
For all that I have learned, there are still oceans of knowledge to be gained.... teachers to meet and to work with.... friends to be gained and cherished. May the forums always have a place in that experience.... and may the journey be rich for everyone, no matter how they approach it... or with whom.
My best,
I don't own a computer either. Just me and my smart phone. I've gotten by well without internet. Really the only internet activities I do are bonsai related.
I am going to a bpnsao show this weekend for the first time. Ever. I actually get to see a bonsai tree in person for the first time. Not just pictures. The show is 3 hours away but I get to meet Vance Wood. For me it doesn't get any better than that.