Bonsai Classifieds on Facebook is a Joke !!!

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So, I posted some scrolls up for auction at Bonsai Classifieds on
Facebook, last week and this week. I even sold one last week.
I was now just notified that I had to remove my scroll cause they
are not Bonsai ??? I explained to Mark Goodman that I sell these
at Bonsai conventions all the time, to folks who use them in their
display of Bonsai. I ask how are these not any more bonsai then
a stand, a slab, and accent pot, accent plant or a rock...

Perhaps Mark Goodman and fellow facebook fans are not as informed
as they think they are ??? Sad part is that I was for the most part only
trying to help contribute, and help build the quality of his site.
His ignorance...and their loss.

I still love that last one of the crane/heron on the limb...but you do rice paper right? I don't do oriental in my home. But...I live at a lake...and we love bird watching...and we have a pair of herons I did admire that particular scroll.
So, I posted some scrolls up for auction at Bonsai Classifieds on
Facebook, last week and this week. I even sold one last week.
I was now just notified that I had to remove my scroll cause they
are not Bonsai ??? I explained to Mark Goodman that I sell these
at Bonsai conventions all the time, to folks who use them in their
display of Bonsai. I ask how are these not any more bonsai then
a stand, a slab, and accent pot, accent plant or a rock...

Perhaps Mark Goodman and fellow facebook fans are not as informed
as they think they are ??? Sad part is that I was for the most part only
trying to help contribute, and help build the quality of his site.

He made a post on the page to give his reasoning, and while I am not going to criticize anyone, I think he is in the wrong. It's possible that he doesn't know what scrolls are used for.

I have found the Bonsai Classified Facebook page to be an interesting and enjoyable experience. I really enjoyed the auctions that I participated in, even the ones I didn't win. I do not recommend it because it is already too hard to make reasonable purchases during the auctions, but that is a whole other story.

Is it possible that you misunderstood his request? He requests that auction posts or completed straight sales be removed as soon as possible to de-clutter the page.

All the items I have purchased have arrived safely and are very good quality. The one potter I have purchased from on Bonsai Classifieds has been awesome. They are my new favorite potter. No, I am not naming names.

It is great site, it is most certainly not a joke. I feel I am pretty well informed. Mark did a great service to the Bonsai community by creating it and continues to do a great service by managing it. Others think so too.

Perhaps instead of coming here and beating it up, you should say something there, or even better, start your own Facebook page that is not a "joke".


I have found the Bonsai Classified Facebook page to be an interesting and enjoyable experience. I really enjoyed the auctions that I participated in, even the ones I didn't win. I do not recommend it because it is already too hard to make reasonable purchases during the auctions, but that is a whole other story.

Is it possible that you misunderstood his request? He requests that auction posts or completed straight sales be removed as soon as possible to de-clutter the page.

All the items I have purchased have arrived safely and are very good quality. The one potter I have purchased from on Bonsai Classifieds has been awesome. They are my new favorite potter. No, I am not naming names.

It is great site, it is most certainly not a joke. I feel I am pretty well informed. Mark did a great service to the Bonsai community by creating it and continues to do a great service by managing it. Others think so too.

Perhaps instead of coming here and beating it up, you should say something there, or even better, start your own Facebook page that is not a "joke".


I don't want to be a messenger and so this will probably be my last post, but it seems that Mark is having a bit of a temper tantrum or a pride issue. He says that sawgrass was removed "for his mouth" but if the conversation between you that he posted is true, then it makes no sense. Again, I'm not trying to stir things up but I don't think defending your items and then agreeing when threatened to be removed from the page is 'having a mouth.'

He wouldn't be able to say anything there because Mark removed him from the page.
What a shame...if this is the auction Facebook thing that was mentioned...I was confused by it...and removed myself from the group.

Though...again...I love your scrolls...they are amazing and you are one talented man.
I like bonsai classifieds. The creator makes the rules. You don't like it, move on with your business.
Just for the record... I will post exactly what the conversation
Was between me and Mark Goodman...

He posted on my listings that I needed to remove them because
They were not bonsai and people were complaining.

I in return replied, that I was not going to argue what was or was
Not bonsai, that I sell these all the time at conventions and shows
To people to use in display their bonsai. That how were they any different
Than a stand, slab, accent pot, plant, or rock. That I was not going
To remove them, he could if he wanted to. But to say they were not
Bonsai is just absurd.

He replied, that if he had to remove them I would be removed as well.

I replied, cool !!!

Now, if you think I am in the wrong, then fine....
I don't think I was. There is no statement in the rules of what can and cannot
Be posted, that says scrolls are not acceptable.

As far as Mark Goodman saying it was because of my mouth...
Perhaps he should be told that it actually was because of him trying
To enforce rules that didn't apply. Perhaps he can also explain why they
Were not a problem a week ago in his last auction, when I had 3 listed, and
Actually sold one???
So yes, Bonsai Classifieds is a joke !!!
I'm certain this can be remedied reasonably. The page does offer nice items and a chance to meet new people. I agree that your removal was hasty and I made that point directly after he posted. Perhaps we can remedy this quickly and you can offer your scrolls and we all put pride aside.
I like bonsai classifieds. The creator makes the rules. You don't like it, move on with your business.

You miss the point...
Yes, it is his site and he can do as his wishes, and clearly he has...
The point is that he was the one that invited the "public" to participate.
He set up rules that I clearly complied with. He then rather than ask
It's participants what they thought of the issue decided himself to change
The rules.

My facebook page now is blowing up with folks telling me that what happened
Was not correct, that he was in the wrong, plain and simple !!! For they as well
Cannot understand how bonsai scrolls are somehow not bonsai ???
Specially since most of them have at least one if not more that they use on
A regular basis when displaying bonsai !!!
I'm in that group and I like it. I also think scrolls are a perfectly appropriate thing to offer on Bonsai Classifieds, but if the guy running it doesn't want scrolls, so be it. I'm not sure what you expected to accomplish with the response you gave him, though. He probably could have been persuaded had you addressed it differently.
You miss the point...
Yes, it is his site and he can do as his wishes, and clearly he has...
The point is that he was the one that invited the "public" to participate.
He set up rules that I clearly complied with. He then rather than ask
It's participants what they thought of the issue decided himself to change
The rules.

My facebook page now is blowing up with folks telling me that what happened
Was not correct, that he was in the wrong, plain and simple !!! For they as well
Cannot understand how bonsai scrolls are somehow not bonsai ???
Specially since most of them have at least one if not more that they use on
A regular basis when displaying bonsai !!!

He made a hasty decision that cost a lot of people the chance to enjoy different aspects of bonsai. Its not even his loss unfortunatly it is everyone elses.
Curious...I went and seen what was said there...and I must say. I was more angered by it than anything, I for one am glad I disassociated myself with that group earlier in the game.

It's all I can do not to say more...but I do not wish to ruin my good standing defending the scrolls. I will, his/sawgrass actions did not make me think worse of him...but the actions of others have made me think less of them.

I have found the Bonsai Classified Facebook page to be an interesting and enjoyable experience. I really enjoyed the auctions that I participated in, even the ones I didn't win. I do not recommend it because it is already too hard to make reasonable purchases during the auctions, but that is a whole other story.

Is it possible that you misunderstood his request? He requests that auction posts or completed straight sales be removed as soon as possible to de-clutter the page.

All the items I have purchased have arrived safely and are very good quality. The one potter I have purchased from on Bonsai Classifieds has been awesome. They are my new favorite potter. No, I am not naming names.

It is great site, it is most certainly not a joke. I feel I am pretty well informed. Mark did a great service to the Bonsai community by creating it and continues to do a greatrvice by managing it. Others think so too.

Perhaps instead of coming here and beating it up, you should say something there, or even better, start your own Facebook page that is not a "joke".

I find the humor in the fact that you don't actually know the
Facts of the story, but have somehow managed to give me advice
As to what I should or should not do...
It helps when the individual giving advice is informed !!!
I hope you don't listen to ordinary people give you advice for
Medical procedures you should undertake .
You miss the point...
Yes, it is his site and he can do as his wishes, and clearly he has...
The point is that he was the one that invited the "public" to participate.
He set up rules that I clearly complied with. He then rather than ask
It's participants what they thought of the issue decided himself to change
The rules.

My facebook page now is blowing up with folks telling me that what happened
Was not correct, that he was in the wrong, plain and simple !!! For they as well
Cannot understand how bonsai scrolls are somehow not bonsai ???
Specially since most of them have at least one if not more that they use on
A regular basis when displaying bonsai !!!

I think you missed the point. Had you removed the items as per the creators request and discussed with him privately I'm sure the outcome could be different. But when you purposely disregard the page creators request, well then you get booted. The creator does it for free on his own time for bonsai folks. Whether he is right or wrong, honor his request and take it private to discuss. What you shouldn't do is come to b-nut and trash the page.
I think I am about to leave the group solely because of him. There is a lot of great stuff for sale on there, but Mark is really in the wrong and is just being stubborn as well as using his position as the page creator to garner sympathy towards his side. One of the absolute requirements to run a page like that is to be levelheaded, mature, and able to admit when you're wrong.
I find the humor in the fact that you don't actually know the
Facts of the story, but have somehow managed to give me advice
As to what I should or should not do...
It helps when the individual giving advice is informed !!!
I hope you don't listen to ordinary people give you advice for
Medical procedures you should undertake .


I was going off of what you said in your original post as all the facts I needed to make my post. Sorry for thinking that.

I think I am about to leave the group solely because of him. There is a lot of great stuff for sale on there, but Mark is really in the wrong and is just being stubborn as well as using his position as the page creator to garner sympathy towards his side. One of the absolute requirements to run a page like that is to be levelheaded, mature, and able to admit when you're wrong.

That would rule out about 70% of those who use the internet ! :rolleyes:

I'm in that group and I like it. I also think scrolls are a perfectly appropriate thing to offer on Bonsai Classifieds, but if the guy running it doesn't want scrolls, so be it. I'm not sure what you expected to accomplish with the response you gave him, though. He probably could have been persuaded had you addressed it differently.

I understand what you are saying and in hindsight perhaps you are correct...
I was just gob smacked , and still am !!!
The logic and the request is and will be , just absurd and I do not, and will not
ever feel I was in the wrong, plain and simple !!!
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