From what is shown this is a good practice tree. It does need shortening and wiring an apex upwards. Yet not sure I see a clear primary - secondary structure below the cut back from these images. Yet I usually need a tree in front of me before determining this. Perhaps someone else can visualize this better.
Anyways after the top cut and the lower shortening, it seems the foliar mass needs to be left alone to push the remaining buds and gain energy before doing much else. Likely there will be a few obvious cuts here and there, but not to push back.
Grow out the buds, especially the ones placed at the base of thicker branches that are out of design width. These may be future branches, ensuring the tree has taper as the height increases.
Once this is accomplished in a couple years, go back and prune to create a clean basic primary structure for the tree.… …taking the main structure down to twos... bifurcations throughout,…. Counting the trunk and only one other branch while ensure there is enough foliar mass to keep the tree strong and robust.
Then go down each branch and prune to create an alternating branch pattern.
While doing this think about how to clean up the nebari for the next repot.
Ensure the tree has maximum health and proper nebari structure, primary structure as the first steps In building a bonsai. Doing so gives one time to explore options.
DSD sends