Bjorn BYOT workshop material


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Orlando , Florida
OK, October 20 I have a BYOT with Bjorn Bjorholm. Of the few trees I have, the junipers, I re-potted some of them in February and they have been semi styled . They are doing well with lots of runners. Could I take one of these?
I also have a procumbens and parsonii from local nurseries and 2 small shimpaku which have almost no work done. Suggestions please...
Depends on how many you can take, I would go with the junipers since he seems to work on those a lot. He is supposed to be at the NC Arboretum in a few weeks so I will be able to meet him, he seems like a cool guy.
I would skip the parson's, bring the procumbens and the shimpaku. I am taking the workshop at the BLC as well, can't remember if it's the Saturday or the Sunday. Might see you there.
I would skip the parson's, bring the procumbens and the shimpaku. I am taking the workshop at the BLC as well, can't remember if it's the Saturday or the Sunday. Might see you there.
Cool I'll see you there.It OK
to bring more than 1 tree?
This is one of three pftizeriana I re-potted in February I'd like to take.

Post them all!

Looking at that one, seems kinda easy to make dope....nothing to difficult, maybe an angle change and some wire. That movement is dope!

Too easy IMO... If we can make it wicked from here....its not the best to take, yea?

I would bring the most "difficult" one.

I suck at/have never tried heavy bending, I'd want assistance thru that.

What do you suck at?

Clearly not choosing material!


I like the pftizeriana
Like sorce says maybe the styling will be obvious but still the guy i take my classes always seems to pull something i didnt see out of my material tough so thats a possibility too

I dont know how many tree's you are alowed to bring but you could always discuss one and create a plan to execute yourself and work on another ?

Love to see a pic of the other candidates
What do you suck at?
Unfortunately ...pruning , when where and how. Foliage pad set up. As you can see they all at similar stage. A hurdle I don't seem to be able to jump. Sad, I know.
Unfortunately ...pruning , when where and how. Foliage pad set up. As you can see they all at similar stage. A hurdle I don't seem to be able to jump. Sad, I know.

The Mirai Video on Detailed wiring is the lick for pruning for structure. YouTube.

I think you may have time to get that under your belt, actually prune, and get that month rest in before OCT 20th...

If you wanted to dive right in to wiring and styling....


If your wiring hand is half confident...itll be banging after that video....

I'd wire all 4 up before you get there...and maybe Bjorn can just set the branching for you...seeing how all the time consuming work will be complete!

Score! Take advantage!

Yes, bring as many as you want. He will work on all he can. I usually bring 3 or 4. Some get nothing more than a rough pruning to set a future path, 1 or 2 get 100% wired and styled. Give the man options, he will deliver stunning results.

he will deliver stunning results.

I been watching some of the Vlogs and older flics recently and.....

Wholly reminded how true that Is!

Definitely come as prepared as possible!

Pretty sure many people underestimate the awesomeness of these opportunities, the work that can get done, and the willingness of these great hearted pros to help us do it!

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