Being Fluid

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I did the first styling on this Parsonii Juniper a little over a year ago...

At the time... the option and the style I chose for it, really was the best path forward with what the material had to offer. My personal feelings is that it would do... but was a little too common in shape and a tad boring.

The thing I disliked the most was how there was a lot of cool movement at the base and at the top... but the trunk in between was straight and lacked any interests... It does have dead wood features, but because of the live veins that were already in existence, the features of deadwood are more on top and bottom, and not easily viewable from straight on. And unless covered... it was going to be front and center.



Now the reason why I am posting it up... Is that often, the first style is just a getting the ball rolling kind of thing. Start heading the best place you can... then with the next style, start heading the best you can, with what you have since done to the tree and the options you have now created, that didn't exist before.

I find being fluid in ones design, allows for a better tree. As the tree grows and gets better, so do you. So, with my second style of the tree... I really wanted to try and figure out a way of dealing with the trunk issue. And luckily, when I did the first style... I add a lot of cool movement to the upper portion of the tree and this section of the trunk, which will now guide the way forward with where to go with the tree.

The following is what I did last night...



View attachment 126372

What I got done tonight.
Still have some more fine wiring to do, and over time I will begin to better define padding, as well remove excess foliage not needed.

Wouldn't have guessed it's the same tree. I liked the first styling too but the new image is way better for me. Thanks for showing.
View attachment 126372

What I got done tonight.
Still have some more fine wiring to do, and over time I will begin to better define padding, as well remove excess foliage not needed.
Will you eventually shorten some of the finer jins? I have found that I am pretty good at emulating natural processes when I clumsily bump into and break off all my finer jins.
Will you eventually shorten some of the finer jins? I have found that I am pretty good at emulating natural processes when I clumsily bump into and break off all my finer jins.
I will probably maintain most of them. But yes over the years I am sure some will break off either naturally, unintentionally, or a cat or animal will knock it of the bench and help redesign it for me...
@sawgrass love watching you do this & have seen you change planting angles in the past. Do you have any updated pics of any of those trees after you've repotted them at the new angle? Do you take a couple repotting to reduce/shift the existing root ball to the new position?
Excellent work. I learn when I read your threads. I have several junipers that I have been training very similar to your trees. I try to use what you have shared.
Thanks, keep posting.
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