The Japanese Black Pine (JBP for short) seed should be set outside to sprout, they need full sun to develop properly. So the best time to sprout your JBP seed would be about the time you would start tomato seeds outdoors. Starting JBP seeds earlier in the year, indoors, often leads to many issues with elongated growth or weak growth. Best luck is usually starting them in a inert, or mineral bonsai media, to which a little silica sand has been added in the upper layer of the mix. Myself, I use either perlite, or pumice, to which I've added a little sand. Set the flat or pots or trays that you use in full sun. Use your finger, to tell you whether or not the it needs water. The human finger is more accurate than any electronic or other gizmo for determining soil moisture. You should also heft the pot, notice the weight. As the pot goes from wet to dry the pot will become lighter. Once you ''know'' the weight of the pot by feel, you can just use the weight, or heft to know if it is time to water. There is no way to put watering on a schedule. As temperature, humidity, rain and cloud cover change, watering frequency will change. So you simply have to check your pots daily, and water as needed. Could be as often as daily, could be only once a week. Each time you water, flood the pot with water. Do not just dribble in a little in one corner. Bonsai media does not wick water around, so if you don't flood the pot, you will leave dry pockets.
Elm seed. Set them up as you would JBP, however, elm are not as absolute in requiring full sun. Full sun is best, but if you have a couple hours of shade, the elm seed will do okay. Too much shade and the elm seedlings will be elongated and weak. Don't be fooled into starting them indoors. It is best to start them outdoors, when it is safe in spring to start your garden vegetables.