Didn't read all the back and forth but this book sounds SUSPECT AS HELL!
Maybe someone knows better, when was it published?
Does it specify different care for different pines at least?
At least, it does, but mostly differentiating WP and BP.
It identifies several by bark, and by foliage which is nice, and gives a couple examples of reputable enthusiasts/artists
on their own work, restyling, repotting etc...
2005, a division of Stone Lantern Discoveries.
With pines, you should try to keep branches if possible. For sure you have to eliminate whorls, but if a branch is on the inside of a curve, can you find away to use it? Turn it to the back, or front?
White pines are slow growing. Only eliminate branches if there is no other choice.
I would try to wire and position every branch, and only cut back or remove if the branch is too long.
Do you know why the rule of thumb is to remove branches on the inside curves? Branches on inside curves tend to build more wood on the inside of curves! So, the curves on the trunk appear to thicken up on the inside of the curve, thus making the trunk look straighter
Thumbs up, this is why I started this thread in my mind, until I saw this colony type growth
and felt it should supersede any cuts I would inquire about. This is the main tree I planned to take
to John Ramano's class last Fall for direction, till the trip was scrubbed. So makes sense it would
show up here with questions on care.
Obviously, I agree with Potawatomi on the taper, thus the remark I made about possibly removing the apex
prior to his post.
I've had a loose wire on it to remind me to remove it last 2 Winters, then decided to get Johns ideas before
I did so, when it comes to repurposing which branch as the new apex, as well as maintenance overall.
I've got this far on my own with what I had to work with, and bare branches, and yes, need to complete wiring,
it won't and cannot all happen on a whim, so it is under construction.
Looking forward to making some changes based on your input.
I am inclined to remove the apex when vigour returns, but am afraid of damaging the trunk attempting
to repurpose a branch as the new apex. It's been a while since I felt a trunk snap under my palms.
Not a good feeling.