Been a minute, starting a thread to keep track of what I’ve done

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Amarillo, Texas
Hey guys, it’s been a while since I’ve been active. Been a lot happening in the past year between moving states, getting married, and changing careers. Ive also decided I’m not very good at bonsai so I picked up the principals of bonsai to look at in my free time (still need to look at it…).I’m starting this thread for my own records more than anything. So this past year I decided the tiger bark ficus I had been working on was not going in a direction that I liked so I air layered the top off and started fresh with a short fat trunk. It has since pushed out some growth.9E8B0391-2C59-4AEB-BA05-23D765321654.jpegAD355CE5-A61D-4A43-A333-16C2C497AB3F.jpegThis tree is the only one that has come with me through three moves. While it may never be a great bonsai, it does have many fond memories, and has taught me a lot about general tree care. This brings me to my next endeavor that I want to document in the form of some apricot seeds. Went to an estate sale today and the owner was picking up crushed apricots and throwing them in a dumpster. I asked him if I could have a couple of the pits and he obliged. Took em home, split em, and threw the seeds in some water. Tomorrow they’ll go in some damp paper towels and get thrown in the fridge. Figure I’m past the prime planting time, but at least they’ll get a shot at life. Cheers all.9B2C40A7-6A7D-4C6F-BB96-7BA0DE72FD1F.jpeg
Hi Harry!

Welcome back!

I think there is alot of possibilities with that little ficus, I think its up to you to decide if it will become a great bonsai or not.

I really like ficus as bonsai. Especially as a first tree.
They can survive pretty much anything, they adapt easily to a broad range of conditions, they respond really fast to any type of work so if they are in proper conditions.
For beginner its easier to visually see the impact of your work when it happen in the next few weeks instead of years...!

I would really concentrate on the little tree that you have!

Have fun
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