My experience is the same as Boondock's, that this sort of interpersonal unpleasantness is peculiar only to specialty forums devoted to bonsai. Not sure why.
I like the BNut option here of an "Ignore" list to which we can individually banish such provocateurs. The only other thing I could imagine doing, beyond the administrators editing their input or banning them completely, would be to set up on the site a specific "Tar Baby" forum to which they would be restricted, and where we could go if, for some strange reason, we wanted to play with them.
Groupmiester - I think you have a good idea there! I think I will start a new bonsai forum called BonsaiBS.com so that anyone and everyone could go and make absurd accusations about one another and (contrary to the site's name) post comments that have absolutely nothing to do with bonsai. This site will be moderator free, will let anything go, and if someone chooses "to play" they can go to that site and have at it. It will be the Ultimate Fighting of the bonsai forum world!
That will be my "contribution to the bonsai world" for this week, and then our good friend Da Head Nut can actually spend some time playing with koi ponds, bonsai and Pokeman...
R "Sick of BS on Da Nut" List