Arakawa jm advice

I don't let anything freeze after repotting. Or I try not to. I wouldn't want to over water a newly potted tree. Maybe I shouldn't refer to it as dry but a newly potted tree soaked before a freeze seems risky. Most of the winter everything I have is frozen solid. I'm not sure of the OP's wintering situation, but if it's insufficient to keep above freezing any new root growth could be compromised by disease and/or frost damage, correct? Not arguing, just referring to this particular circumstance. Trying to stress the importance of maintaining an above freezing environment for a tree repotted outside of an ideal time.

Personally? Hehehee....I just get in there, cut out what ain't pretty, get as much of the old nursery crap out as I can, soil up, water in and let the chips fall where they may....
Me either. Newly re-potted trees either go into the garage or under the deck depending on the risk. I also agree that you've got to be a bit careful watering newly root worked trees because of the compromised ability to pull water from the soil. I only posted to point out that drier soils don't buffer temperature extremes as well as moist soils and roots will actually be colder if the temps fall below freezing.
Would you suggest this on a freshly-potted tree?
Most definitely. Especially for a newly repotted tree that is in danger of an immediate freeze. If it's just been repotted, drainage isn't an issue. I'd hose the thing down and mulch it over on the ground ahead of a freeze that's above 25 or so for a day or two. If things are predicted to go lower and longer, I'd say you repotted too soon and plan on having the tree in the house until the danger of deep freezing has passed.
I know your aware of the weather here and I agree 100% on frozen soil. It's a good friend in the winter for my JM's because my kid can make watering difficult, neigh, impossible.
In my experience, right after repot with JM's seem to be just that bit more susceptible to failure from the slightest misstep as opposed to some other deciduous trees. Just something I've noticed, and it could be just anecdotal, but that's how I learn, from doing.....hopefully less fails than success, right?:D

Love JM's.....they tolerate my hackery....heheheee:eek::rolleyes:
Right now everything I have is thawed out 90% and my storage area should be able to maintain temp of 30 degrees or up.....unless it gets into the mid teens all of a sudden!!!:eek:
Looks like smooth sailing weather wise for me from here on out......;)

Like to know where the OP will site it after repot? Me too....
Pictures Dave E.....or it never happened!!!:p
an update
i repoted it today into pond basket.i bare rooted it and removed all the downward roots, shortened the coarse roots,and combed/spread all the roots out into a radial fashion.
one side was up against the pot so there were less roots there. i centered it now in the pot so hopefuly more roots will grow in that area.
the tree was also planted at a big angle and i stood it upright.
for today i have it in a sunny window tomorrow temps are going to start to warm up so it's going outside and i'll be doing the bonsai 2 step at night.
i decided to hold off on my other trees until i start seeing some activity


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