I'm very big into fish/aquariums. I'm a freshwater Cichlid guy myself, mostly Peacocks and Hap's and Lake Malawi Mbuna. I currently have a number of tanks set up and running.
My main tanks are...
265g 7ft x 30" x 24" which I've been working on for the past year
55g Peacock cichlid tank
55g Mbuna cichlid tank
I also have a 29g, three 20gs and two 10g's
One thing I do is I build my own 3D backgrounds for my tanks using foam which I hand carve, then coat with drylok and fusion paints then seal with a two part epoxy. Here's some of my tanks with the 3D background I have made.
This is my 7ft 265g tank which I built into the wall in my basement office. The background in the tank as well as the entire wall it is mounted in is all hand carved foam that I have been working on for the past year now. You access the tank behind the wall via a hidden doorway I made in the wall. if you look to the left of the tank you can see a slight outline of the door in the wall.
My 55g Mbuna tank with hand carved background
This one is my 55g Peacock and Hap tank with another hand carved background I did to look like a cave. The openings are backlite with Cold Cathode light bars to look like sun light in the open water of a cave mouth.
Koi/goldfish tank
Those are my three main tanks. Live plants are great in tanks but can be a bit tricky to care for. If you want some live plants that don't take a lot of work then get some Java Fern and Anubias. That is what I have in the tank above and they dont require a ton of light, and do alright without CO2 injection. I simply add Florish Excel daily to provide them with iron and they do very well.
One of the most important things to do is to make sure you cycle the tank properly when you get it set up. It will take about 3-5 weeks to fully cycle properly but it is THE most important step to having a healthy aquarium. I suggest doing a fishless cycle myself. That can be found here
Also get yourself an API freshwater master test kit. You will need it for cycling the tank, plus it's handy to have so you can keep tabs on the basic health of your tank/water parameters.
When you get ready to buy fish I highly suggest that you find a local fish shop that is not one of the large chain store such as Petsmart or Petco. Look for a small private owned fish shop. Reason I say that is because the large store like Petsmart/Petco run all the tanks in their store off one central filtration unit and the tanks have baffles between them where the water flows through all the tanks. So if one fish gets sick or is ill then all the rest of the fish in the store are exposed to it because the water flows through all the tanks. A good local private shop will usually have a separate HOB filter on each tank, or a central air pump with sponge filters running to each tank. That way fish in one tank wont spread illness to the rest of the tanks in that store.
Aquariums are great, as you can tell I love them. Just make sure to cycle your tank properly first, buy fish from a reputable quality shop, and make sure to do water changes on a regular bases and you will have a happy and healthy tank to enjoy.