In spite of, or because of the faults you have captured the feeling of a mountain scene. In this case that trumps most other issues. I find it charming.
Lowering the top of the the tree on the left is an improvement. For me the only issue which can not be over looked is the pot. It is as welcome as vandals spray painting on boulders. It seems the pot was used to justify it as a Penjing rather than Bonsai. I like this scene very much, but it is crying for a plain pot.
Recently I heard Peter Warren speak about the importance of the container in the total image. He suggested that the pot was as imortant as the tree in capturing the total feeling. We all have used the wrong pot for a tree due to any number of issues ranging from lack of $, to poor choice to the only thing we had that was large enough to hold it. I'm gald to hear your choice was not based on wanting to classify it as Penjing. I do think that is crazy but I have heard it before.
If you mentioned the demensions of the composition I missed it. If a good replacement can not be found maybe you could stain it to tone down. You have created a calm and inviting scene but the pot is loud and distracting to me. If it doesn't bother you, that's all that matters. Sorry to have offended you.
I never thought that pot was that size. It's amazing how things can be deceptive. Are the scriptures raised or inset in any fashion? If not a couple of coats of minwax gel stain might do the trick. I have done this to a few of my pots and they have weathered nicely (no one would know) except a critical eye at an exhibition. But, if this composition does not see a display then, what the heck. Personally I find nothing wrong with your pot. I have seen several similar pots and the orange and brown ones on display at the Chinese pavilion of the Montreal Botanical Gardens. But some folks are purist...
Recently I heard Peter Warren speak about the importance of the container in the total image. He suggested that the pot was as imortant as the tree in capturing the total feeling. We all have used the wrong pot for a tree due to any number of issues ranging from lack of $, to poor choice to the only thing we had that was large enough to hold it.
How about something like this? Is it more?
How about something like this? Is it more?