Acer Ginnala styled

I have an amur in my growing bed, it does color up nicely. Unfortunately it is about 100 years away from looking anything like this!

I still think sweetgum produces the best fall color, though the leaves are a little large.
I still think sweetgum produces the best fall color, though the leaves are a little large.
They are gorgeous, indeed! Fall in Corvallis, OR is such a sight with Liquid Amber ablaze all over the city. AND, as bonsai, they can sometimes be defoliated three times in the same year --> maybe solve your leaf size issue.
Some of its leaves are even hot pink.
I've had amurs at places a mile or so up in the Rocky Mountain region and here where I am now pretty close to sea level - they do have great color, but I've never seen them in hot pink before. That is quite unique. :cool:
Fantastic color on a splendid tree. Mach-nificent. Isn't this why we love bonsai?

Dirk indeed one reason to love deciduous bonsai. In the space of one cubic foot (often much less) one can experience all the wonder and magic of nature herself up close. This will forever captivate me.
Beautiful tree. Unfortunately about the only fall color here I get is brown. Very jealous.
Excellent work, I really like how this one is progressing. With the image maturing within the the next few years, it's going to be a sight to behold. Keep up the great work.
Almost makes me wish I lived where amur are happy. Almost...;)
And as for the Sea Lavender, It's daring and unique and just not done and I'm fine with it. :cool:
Mach Feez!

I was looking for some info and found a couple pic spreads missing on 6and7.
Don't know if we can get them back up...
But it kinda blows without them.;)

Is yours moving yet?

Mach Feez!

I was looking for some info and found a couple pic spreads missing on 6and7.
Don't know if we can get them back up...
But it kinda blows without them.;)

Is yours moving yet?


Hmmm can't see where I'm missing pics??

Just checked and not moving quite just yet. Any minute now. I have it now outside with the pot buried in ice.
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