Hi Folks,
I'm back.
Wow Graydon, lots of new buds. I see that some of the longer branches can soon be shortened and hopefully some buds/branches will appear in the middle of the trunk.
First let me make some comments about this very healthy Hedge Maple stock.
The trunk and root buttress were VERY nice and trunk had nice taper the entire length.
A couple problems I see/saw were:
The suckers allowed to grow upwards to increase the trunk/rootbase were, in my opinion, left on too long and had gotten too big. This caused a few problems. One was that so many large branches had to be removed that it made many large cut sites, which will probably heal over just fine in the future, BUT, it looked to me as if the branches height with foliage possibly kept sprouts from happening in the middle of the trunk. Hopefully, this will be rectified now that ot is open to the light and some branches may appear.
Another problem that I didn't like was that the spots where branches had come out were left to produce numerous branches from the same spot. This problem required some large cuts and carving to help reduce the bulges where multiple ( 5 or 6) branches grew from the same spot. We removed all but the best choice in all these spots. Although there were many branches, they came from relatively few spots around the circumference of the tree.
One side of the rootbase was much nicer in flare than the other, which is why I left the long sacrifice branch on the lower left side, to help even out the flare. This branch was wired out and horizontal to allow to grow wild without having foliage rise up to block production of shoots/branches in the middle of the tree.It will be removed later.
We spoke about probably thread grafting some branches to the middle area of the trunk using existing branches allowed to lengthen if buds did not form in the center of the trunk after cut back. It is looking good now however. We'll see about that?
There were 3 choices for a top which I spoke about at great length during the demo and explained my final choice which I believed was best for 1. taper 2. risk to top death 3. minimizing "chop" scare being seen.
I carved all past taper-producing chop spots smooth and used carver to improve frontal taper look by carving one side of a large scar callous that was on the rear but showed from the front. You can see this carving and improved taper in the pics of the rear and front.
I removed a couple aerial roots which would cause no problem as the tree was WELL rooted. In fact, I think the largest danger to finalizing this tree will be to get it into a bonsai pot. In central Florida I think we can accomplish this in 2 pottings. The tree was solidly rooted into the bulging nursery can and I imagine that very large roots run the length of the can. I expect the potting operations to be much more risky than the styling. As a side note, if I were doing this on a "DALE tree" in Ohio I would have opted to do the worst things first before styling, meaning, I would have reduced the roots and gotten it into a bonsai container or training pot BEFORE I worked several years on final styling. I talked a bit about my feelings on this during the demo and how I always "Do the worst stuff first".
There was little to no twigging on the branches so most were cut to the first few leaves then wired into place. Some were cut to NO foliage. These are to be shortened or removed as foliage appears and new branches appear on the trunk. Hopefully branches will appear and grow in the middle trunk and won't require thread grafts.
I've tried to cover everything and be honest. Please don't think that my finding faults with the stock meant that I did not appreciate this very nice pre-bonsai grown stock which I couldf tell took SEVERAL years of production time.
I'm going to repost the finished demo front pic to help you visualize and pick out some things I mentioned.
Any questions?...please ask.