Acacia Erubescens (Blouhaak) wiring and pruning advice.

I've had this Huisache, or Sweet Acacia, Acacia farnesiana since ~2001. Originally, I wanted a flat top, but I see now from the way it grows that it would mean that the top would be a thicket or mat of dead twigs that would look ugly (to me) in person. It might photograph just fine, but I like trees that look good, in your face, so to speak. The thorns make it a clip & grow...
Hu post 052120.JPG
some do some don't, it's really a hit or miss. you should know your tree by now. How does it react when you aggressively prune it back? does it push new buds behind those cuts or does the branch die back to the trunk
if you get buds, you can consider doing a trunk chop when it is really healthy.

my big brother still grows camel thorn, I never planted the seeds I had, and all the seedlings turned belly up, there is a lot of naturally dwarfed wild olives in the hills where I live, and they have nice bark and leaves that reduce a lot, so I rather took easy road.

hope this helped
best regards
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Thanks a lot for the advice.

I only acquired the tree right before the lockdown, so I’m not yet familiarized with its growing patterns. I’ll consider just letting it grow freely for a season or so and then pruning back see what it does.

those wild olives sound fantastic. Where do you live? The Hartebeestpoort Dam area?
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