A twin trunk maple


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This little tree was purchased from Felton Jones nearly 18 years ago. It was an airlayer that he had taken and the trunk was about pencil size but the roots has a nice a radial spread. At the time it also had a long low sacrifice branch. Since acquiring this tree it has spent several years in the ground, growing and chopping and healing wounds. The last several years it has been in a nursery container as I have been developing branches...perhaps it is getting close to time to put in a respectable container....maybe one more year on the branches... Its probably about 15-16" tall.

This weekend it got its very first wiring session...lots of "baby bends"!


Looking really nice! The nebari on the first image shows the best but I'm kind of partial to the second image as the front.
Thanks Vin! The top of the main leans away from you in the second pic...so probably not the best front..
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Very nice, would love to see an image from lower angle on from the front please! :)
maybe one more year on the branches...

Very nice Maple - what variety? Reason I ask is I can picture it with a few years of ramification work as a real beauty!

Thanks all!

sorry guys (and gal) but this one is already in its winter home now...besides a straight on pic will hide the base of the tree due how low it sits in the pot...

it just standard palmatum
boo. guess we'll have to wait for next year, just wanted to see the branch structure from straight on.
Thanks all!

sorry guys (and gal) but this one is already in its winter home now...besides a straight on pic will hide the base of the tree due how low it sits in the pot...

it just standard palmatum
"Winter" home, it's 71 degrees here today! I still have many trees outside but most will be moved in over the next few days as we are going to get a cold snap this weekend.

As Judy said, look forward to seeing this one in the spring.
I purchased a very similar tree from Roy Nagatoshi last year when I was visiting him. I decided to put it in the ground this past spring. I'll have to see where I am with it next spring.
When's its get a pot? It's very nice
no rush...I think rushing a tree into a pot is a common mistake...although you can hardly call this one rushing:) This tree has been very slow to develop and its finally starting to move forward in my eyes. It was just repotted last Spring. So, I suspect I will give it at least another year.
no rush...I think rushing a tree into a pot is a common mistake...although you can hardly call this one rushing:) This tree has been very slow to develop and its finally starting to move forward in my eyes. It was just repotted last Spring. So, I suspect I will give it at least another year.

I was just curious, I knew you knew what your doing
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