I noticed two things here;
The plant is budding new leaf so it is actively growing.
The Inner
thin growth needs to be cut out.
That being said I would cut out all of the fine inner branches soon. Then in a week or two when the remaining branches are back budding I would cut them down in the shape of a wide flat bottom dome, not a broom. The new growth will flourish from that point on and will require another thinning out of the interior but at that point you will have some new branches you will want to keep to fill out the dome but not overcrowd it.
Wiring in the Fall "if needed" (I suspect it won't need it)... Wiring now while it is growing will just result in a headache - the wire will be tearing into the plant in two weeks and require removal and at that point not have set any branches. Using guy wire techniques in combination with fish tank tubing to protect branches would be an effective option and can be easily moved a tiny bit every few days to the left and right, They can be left on for long periods of time allowing these rapid growers to harden off and set.
The extra time with those nice roots buried would also allow you to spread them and fatten up.
That Ficus was a decent find and can be pretty darn nice in a few short seasons. Styling is a forever process and you are off to a good start