A few Winged Elms

Eric Group

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Columbia, SC
really not trying to piggy back John's Winged Elm thread... Nor was I trying to hijack it, so I am just going t g ahead and make my own. Mine are not that far along in Development...

This one I have had 3 years or so... Bought from a friend and it was already started along but very young. Grew it out in the ground for a couple years, fattened the trunk some and stuck it back in a pot last summer, grew the rest of that season and this one in the pot it is in now. Worked on starting some ramification...
This one was dug out of my rental property's yard about two years ago. Just got the bones laid out this Spring... Like where it is headed for a little Shohin! The top part has a curve, hard to see from some angles... Might chop it a bit shorter in the Spring and/or wire it again to get more dynamic movement.

I'm not really a fan of elms but these have potential-the first shouldn't need to many more years to have something good.

My only critique is the first ones branches don't flow-you have two apex branches and they are thicker then the bottom most branches on the tree. I would remove those thicker branches(in early spring/late winter) up top,chose/wire a smaller branch for the apex then allow the bottom branches to grow this spring/ summer to give them some girth.

Also a good idea may be to let that bottom most branch let a sap runner run free then cut it back after leaf fall. This will help thicken the bottom most trunk section where there is no taper. BUT watch it doesn't get to crazy as you don't want a huge scar to have to heal over or the branch to get too thick. If water elm is anything like my American elm one running can get 20' in one season :rolleyes:

Depending on when it was re-potted last a good idea may to plant it in a very wide but shallow training flat-like an Anderson flat.
I'm not really a fan of elms

You will be!;):p

Just an Elm Rant...

I think....Elm is kind of our deciduous tree, like Maples in Japan.
It should be in everybodies yard....
Since it is already....!

We should have Elms like the Chinese have those trees in the Videos Anthony posted. None the same...one after another...done differently. Equally exciting.

Big...to micro...any style.

I'm watching.

One more... Double trunker- "Mother Daughter" style- also collected from my rental... On the same day as the small one above, around 2 years ago... This one shows a LOT more of the "wings". I have found a dramatic range in the amount of cork these guys put on... This one is the extreme of extremes where the two above barely have any wings to speak of! This one is boarderong on a cork bark tree... At first I was kind of turned off and didn't like it, but the more it developed the more I grow to like it! May as well accentuate the features of this cultivar if I am gonna use it... The two above are tough to differentiate from an American Elm! View attachment 90376
Some detail of the corky bits:
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I believe this was the first root cutting I ever made on purpose.. It was actually two roots kind of growing through each other... Just thought it made a cool image. I have it planted over a rock currently, but I wanted to let it grow out and let the roots really merge with the rock before I exposed it more. I had a collar behind it previously to keep more soil piled up, removed that this Spring, next year I will probably repot it to something more shallow and reveal more rock...
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One more... Double trunker- "Mother Daughter" style- also collected from my rental... On the same day as the small one above, around 2 years ago... This one shows a LOT more of the "wings". I have found a dramatic range in the amount of cork these guys put on... This one is the extreme of extremes where the two above barely have any wings to speak of! This one is boarderong on a cork bark tree... At first I was kind of turned off and didn't like it, but the more it developed the more I grow to like it! May as well accentuate the features of this cultivar if I am gonna use it... The two above are tough to differentiate from an American Elm! View attachment 90376
View attachment 90377
Some detail of the corky bits:
View attachment 90378View attachment 90379 [/ATTACH]

Definitely a mother/daughter and not a father/son....
really not trying to piggy back John's Winged Elm thread... Nor was I trying to hijack it, so I am just going t g ahead and make my own. Mine are not that far along in Development...

This one I have had 3 years or so... Bought from a friend and it was already started along but very young. Grew it out in the ground for a couple years, fattened the trunk some and stuck it back in a pot last summer, grew the rest of that season and this one in the pot it is in now. Worked on starting some ramification...
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View attachment 90355
This one was dug out of my rental property's yard about two years ago. Just got the bones laid out this Spring... Like where it is headed for a little Shohin! The top part has a curve, hard to see from some angles... Might chop it a bit shorter in the Spring and/or wire it again to get more dynamic movement.

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This first Winged Elm had a busted pot.. seems it needs some work:IMG_0553.JPG
Stupid cheap teracota... maybe I should look at something a little better for this guy.. He has a decent shape.
Japanese production oval?

Orrr... a similar glaze Jap production job little rectangle with soft indentented corners.. little better glaze on this one IMO
OR something a little different? Lynn August black and red unglazed job. Super cool pot! Maybe too nice for this tree and a little too dark?
Decided on the first option
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Very nice tree Eric! I think the pot choices are too deep. A nice shallow and wide pot might be better and tree slightly off to one side.
Very nice tree Eric! I think the pot choices are too deep. A nice shallow and wide pot might be better and tree slightly off to one side.
Agreed... it just didn't have the perfect option lying around right now. Well I HAVE one... but it this really nice SR job that, again, I felt was a little too nice for this tree! Perhaps that is the wrong kind of thinking for my tree... it is a cute little tree maybe deserves a better pot, but I had something better in mind for the Sara Rayner pot!

It is planted off center/ front right of the pot... I realize it doesn't look that way in the pic so much, and that is where the wider pot would have allowed for a better planting also.... So, totally agree with everything you said as usual!
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