Doing well! Almost thawed for repot!Hows the big one doing
This is why it never even entered my mind to use ribes, but I might reconsider now.For the most part, naturally occurring specimens are fairly uninteresting... but that “one in 5 thousand”.... is a dark, ancient, gnarled beast...
It's a strange approach.. but I've somewhat documented my trials..This is why it never even entered my mind to use ribes, but I might reconsider now.
I'm a sucker for trees I can eat.It's a strange approach.. but I've somewhat documented my trials..
Me too!! "Trail Mix"... like... FOODS we find hiking, compose a large part of our spring through fall diet.I'm a sucker for trees I can eat.
I'm a sucker for trees I can eat.
Absolutely!!!!Well done!
After scanning through this thread it looks like you’ve really getting the “hang” of these plants. It will be interesting to see how these lil ‘uns grow out from here.
Our best looking Ribes imho, Ribes sanguineum is a finicky little curmudgeon in the landscape. Often known to toss whole stems, or have all the superstrupture die back, only to toss shoots the next year, leaving one with a quandary on what to do next with the clump.
After seeing what you’ve accomplished, maybe this year I’ll see if I can get some time to confiscate some knuckles and attempt to follow in your footsteps! Just gotta pot up or up pot about 40 azaleas and 20 maples right now…. onward!
DSD sends
I feel ya, friend. I'm actually almost completed with repots.. last years seedlings are this years and NEXT year's young stock.. I thought repotting them all would be more... fun... buuut it just seems like sex with a walrus.,. "Are we done here yet!"! Just gotta pot up or up pot about 40 azaleas and 20 maples right now….
Absolutely!!! Post!!!Hello,
Im a mostly complete newb on here, I have a Black Currant that looks almost exactly like the bigger trunked one in your pictures. I planted it years ago in the yard and it started to look increasingly sicker to the point that last summer it was almost dead, there was one branch left that was still alive and had a handful of leaves. Considering it had such a large trunk I thought it may have some potential for training for bonsai. I dug it up, potted with 50:50 organic/inorganic and within a few weeks it started to bounce back. By the end of the summer it had a couple of new branches coming from the main trunk and was looking pretty healthy with lots of new budding. At any rate, it stayed outside all winter and its just started to warm up above freezing here, so with any luck it should spring to life soon. I can post some pictures if you are interested in seeing it, its kind of uncanny the similarities between yours and mine though. I also have a red currant that was next to it that is in much healthier shape, I might move it to a pot as its in a bad part of the yard. Well, thanks for posting this stuff, its very encouraging that mine may have a chance yet!
Thanks for the welcome!Holey Carp!!
That was your first post!
Welcome, Traveller!!
The Woody Dwarves (Pa-is) will heave another hemp-bale onto the fire, and stir the soup in recognition of your arrival!
I love it here.. a freaky, communal bazaar.. like a back-alley swap meet of experience and knowledge. Take what you need, give what t'chu can.
Alaska... That's freakin chilly. I'm pretty chilly myself... are you a USDA 2?
@berzerkules is chilly like that.
Pleasure to make your acquaintance.