2021 from seeds !

Promised myself to not sow more than 1 species this year.

So far I have:

- Quercus Ilex
- Pyracantha
- Pinus Nigra

ready to sow next year (quercus Ilex are in the ground already).
I'm currently stratifying Abies fraseri, Abies koreana, Acer campestre, Acer palmatum, Carpinus betulus, Koelreuteria paniculata, Viburnum lantana, Ginkgo biloba, Robinia pseudoacacia, Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Sorbus cashmiriana, Cotoneaster rothschildianum, Chaenomeles japonica and several different Malus species. All were collected.
In the refer, purchased seeds:
carpinus turczaninowii​
callicarpa japonica​
acer pentaphyllum​

Outside, seeds collected from our local forest lands:
rhododendron macrophyllum​
picea sitchensis​
prunus emarginata​
My primary batch of Japanese maples are ready. About 25 seeds sprouted "early" in the fridge, I was actually a week or two late to check on them. The Sphagnum seems to have kept them in good shape. As usual I was underprepared and scrambled to get them into a makeshift substrate and under light.

More to come as the rest wake up in a more controlled environment.


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Souther hemisphere here so I’ll only sow in September, but I’ve sourced some euonymus alatus and chaenomeles japonica seeds. I was really after the euonymus, we only get the Japanese spindle locally in nurseries and not the burning bush winged spindle, so I’m pretty chuffed to have these and hope all goes well next year.

I have a chaenomeles clump in development but it’s not chaenomeles japanonica, so I’ll start from seed to try out the other variety.

Oooh cool! Missed this thread!

I’ll just lay out my list..

Certain seeds/seedlings are being documented elsewhere.

5(8) varying Wilderness Collected Malus. -
3 varying Wilderness Collected Crabapples.

Parkinsonia Aculeata - Palo Verde

Acer - Monspessulanum
Acer - Truncatum
Acer - Mayabei

Prunus Cerasifera

Picea Glenhii (not arrived yet)

Betula nana - (1 day away!)

Caragana arborescens - Siberian Peashrub

I recently planted the following seeds:
*Sweet gum found all over my yard.
*Coast Live Oak acorns found all over my yard. The squirrels actually planted several for me, including one in the center of a pot that I was going to use for another oak seedling! Thanks, Mr. Squirrel!
*Black Pine.
*Black Spruce.
*Bristlecone Pine.

All varieties have pushed up a couple weeks ago and are going strong so far.
This year for seeds I am focusing on:

Brazilian Ironwoood/Leopard tree
Jacaranda Mimosifolia
Adenium Obesum

At this point the Adenium are already up and growing along with the 2 survivors of Ironwood group 1, group 2 of the Ironwoods and the Jacaranda will be sown April 1st.
This year for seeds I am focusing on:

Brazilian Ironwoood/Leopard tree
Jacaranda Mimosifolia
Adenium Obesum

At this point the Adenium are already up and growing along with the 2 survivors of Ironwood group 1, group 2 of the Ironwoods and the Jacaranda will be sown April 1st.
What do Adenium seedlings look like?

So you’re going more delicate seedlings this year?

I like plants, especially seedlings, that need special care.

It makes me feel like SuperMom!
What do Adenium seedlings look like?

So you’re going more delicate seedlings this year?

I like plants, especially seedlings, that need special care.

It makes me feel like SuperMom!

part of Tray#1 Adenium Obesum. They love FULL SUN and are stubby little drought tolerant things.
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So neat!!!!
They are very very cold sensitive. A couple of the slightly beat up looking ones are those that “felt the cold” when the indoor temp briefly dropped below their threshold a couple nights some weeks back. They bounce back pretty good and are already growing new leaves to replace the dropped ones. Lots of drainage (that tray has a mesh base) because they don’t like wet feet. Water is welcome during the growing season but don’t overdo it.
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