A very late entry, but my sickly taxus is not progressing that well so need a backup!
Common Box or Buxus Sempervirens is native and lives wild here in the south east of the UK. There's a famous spot where I go to ride my bike called Box Hill in Surrey, covered in the stuff.
This piece is urbandori, purchased back in February. This year I just let it grow and got to know it, the foliage needs to fill out and I added some light wiring on young flexible shoots to hopefully get some movement. I like the trunk and flare at the base, but deciding on best front angle has not been so easy, the whole thing needs compacting, there is also some awkward 'boner' looking deadwood that needs some carving as well as the chopped trunk ends. Time to get some dremel practice!

Common Box or Buxus Sempervirens is native and lives wild here in the south east of the UK. There's a famous spot where I go to ride my bike called Box Hill in Surrey, covered in the stuff.
This piece is urbandori, purchased back in February. This year I just let it grow and got to know it, the foliage needs to fill out and I added some light wiring on young flexible shoots to hopefully get some movement. I like the trunk and flare at the base, but deciding on best front angle has not been so easy, the whole thing needs compacting, there is also some awkward 'boner' looking deadwood that needs some carving as well as the chopped trunk ends. Time to get some dremel practice!