2018: the three year bonsai time capsule

Hard to find something I won't want to post before 3 years.
Harder to know what will live that long!

20150808_071906.jpg A little bushier already, a Wal-Mart Barberry.

20150706_190057.jpg Also a bit further healed already.
I may opt to remove the taller section.
Watch the Nebari.

20150825_060846.jpg And my tiny Amur, which, if not a pest magnet again the next 3 years, may actually grow!

Cool thread. Some of my projects in the works..

Berberis, dug from a field, trimmed back and wired in early 2015


Carpinus betulus, Airlayer, separated september 2014, picture winter 2015
Larix Kaemferi. Club auction purchase, april 2015. Note all the dead branches. Spent all summer recovering.


Juniperus, near-given to me by TT, sas it was very weak in winter. Picture summer 2015 capsule-4.jpg

Can't promise I wont start a thread on one or two of them..
I'm gonna add two to the vault.

1. Olive:

Last pic from some months ago.
I really want to build the trunk line and fill it in a lot.

2. Ulmus Minor


This one has a couple more branches just a bit longer than those... I like this stump a lot! I will wait for the growing season to decide where to take it.
Here are three...pretty much all my trees could be categorized as "time capsule" trees, but these are three that I was working on over the past few days and took pics.

1 - Black pine

Tall, thin trunk...bought from a club member a couple of years ago. It needed repotting and didn't respond well to candle cutting last year, so this year was devoted to repotting and strengthening. I think it is ready for the next big step - thinning out some excess branches, removing needles, and working on reducing the size of the new needles. I would think in 3 years it should look pretty good. May need to cut the lower branches back a fair amount to keep in scale with the trunk.


2. Collected cedar - I bought this from another club member who was downsizing his collection in 2011. It was in dire need of repotting and strengthening, so I have repotted it twice (wow, these things have vigorous root systems). It has been turned 90 deg from the original front and is growing strongly. Somewhat unusual structure with 4 trunks (and yes, they are all staying) and some interesting deadwood that doesn't show well in this photo. I'll be working with a club member who is known for his cedars. I need to establish the shape, thin/organize the foliage masses, and clean up (probably lime sulfur) the deadwood. Height needs to come down a bit, angles of the foliage masses need tweaking.

It won't be a "classic" bonsai, but I think it will be an interesting one. Love cedar foliage.


3. Collected Engelman Spruce - from Nature's Way, purchased in 2011...it was collected in 2009 so the first few years were spent just getting it established. It seemed a little weak last year, but this spring I aerated the soil (basically drilled holes) and cut it back hard, and have gotten a lot of backbudding all over the tree. Next spring it will be repotted and I'll begin working on the branch structure.

I was drawn to the history evident in this tree, particularly the evidence that there have been 2 separate instances where the trunk leader was killed back. I want to emphasize that (while de-emphasizing the somewhat phallic appearance of the lower deadwood), though I'm still not sure how I'll do it. Two pics from potential fronts...the first showing a stark profile view (perhaps a little too stark) and the second a more subdued view of the angle changes in the trunk.

spruce_aug2015_1.jpg spruce_aug2015_2.jpg
Alright, closing the vault. Let's bury it by refraining from posting or updating trees using this thread until 9/1/2018.

Good LORD willing, some of us will be around to crack it open in 3 years and start the updates, simply with the 2015 photo and the 2018 photo.

Still 2015...So hope it's not too late to join and enter the spaceship.

Here's my first entry: Euonymus europaeus - Spindle tree :

This tree has already been in a bonsai pot in his younger days, about 8 year ago.
At a certain point i realisted that this plant wasn't going to grow any Nerabi or trunk tapper at all when i would leave it in a pot
So i promoted it to my growing field.

picture of 2007-2008:
euonymus europeaus 200502.jpg

While growing in the field for 8 years it has lost all stems except the left one. (it had a serious accident with my big left boot!)
I trained it 2x per year with a hedgetrimmer!
And at the end of each autumn i attact the roots with a spade to keep the rootball under controle.

This is what it looks like a few days ago and still in the growing field:
Euonymus europaeus201512 (1ps).jpg

It has developed some Nerabi so thats good !
I will cut off some branches first and by february-march 2016 it's going back into a (training) pot.
Furter i will feed it well and let it get established.
Next by end 2016 it will be wired.

Anyway that's the plan in a nutshell, if it survives all this fuss.
See you later in 2018...
Sorry Brian, I didn't re-open the vault, door was wide open when I got here...actually never saw the original thread until today...awesome idea

Left: collected (Feb 2015) Cedar Elm

Right: Chinese Elm I've been working on for a couple of years, chasing it back and establishing primary branches, growing out lower sacrifice branches


  • 20151223_120936.jpg
    318 KB · Views: 40
Post up your 2-3 trees works-in-progress, expecting great things from in 3 years. DSCN2422.JPG DSCN2497.JPG DSCN2502.JPG DSCN2503.JPG
Got this as a 2"-3" start in barkdust under the mother tree around 2011, (I guess). This fall swiched the apex from the heavier branch (former trunk) to maintain left, right, left, and hopefully . . . Managed to accidentally split the crotch while getting the too large branch (former trunk) to do what "I" want.DSCN2504.JPG DSCN2506.JPG Was given this rectangulr pot early this fala so went looking for "something" to stick in it. Saw some rafts on line, "that's what I need". While picking chanterelles, found this vine maple "seed log" (buried in pot) with these trees growing from it. My intent is to eventually have the "log" out of the ground and visible for a raft or "seed log"? Main trunk (with S-curve) split vertically nearly from soil to first bend because I twisted it from being aimed/growing toward viewer, forcing it into a side profile, so there may be more wire that expected. Wiring did not change the bends except to change forward direction to the side. Curly cue on left end was buried but I uncovered it and wired to stay in the air. Don't know if it will die or convert to tree trunk. Removing any of the main trunks from the "log" still to be determined. If it is allowed/kosher in this thread, I am open to critique/suggestion.
Anybody else feel like ALL your trees could be put in this thread? I don't have too many that do NOT need about 2-3 years of work, but that is the most fun time for me too I guess. Once I have them in the pot with a design set, and it is just maintenance work... I tend to lose some interest in the tree I think! The ones that are "finished" (yeah, yeah no tree is finished but a dead one- YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!) are like the past and the seedlings, cuttings, PRE-BONSAI are like the future... Pfft pfft... You know what I mean mannnnn...?
- passes the Dutchie to the left hand side-
One last one? Sorry, I've been battling a stomach virus all weekend and just got back online.

Here's one of Brent's big Seiju Elms I got a few years ago. Had some trunk rot that I have finally stabilized, and have been slowly working back the sacrifice branches and the leader to a point where I can now start building the primary branches (I probably will cut the apex down another couple of inches once a new leader below is strong enough. The grow slowly, so it might not look much different in three years, but I think in 10 years, this could be one of my better trees.

This thread should be forgotten. What's the point of time vault if it get's open so easily. Thread should be locked, but @Bonsai Nut can't do it, it seems (maybe some forum rules etc.). So... If you're reading this thread and this post, don't click reply until 2018. If it's March 2017 and you think you should post a tree since it's ok because you've missed the thread, or you just registered to forum and couldn't do it before, don't post your tree.
I missed the time capsule (couse I did not take pics soon enoguh) so I didn't get in, it's a shame, but that's how this works.

So if you post a reply after this post (before 2018) you will have root aphids for 10 years - yes this is a curse.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCKED!
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