1st display stand


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Richmond, VA
I bought my first display stand this afternoon from an estate sale, and I'll be the first person to say I know nothing about stands at all.

The only thing the people working the sale could tell me is it's rosewood, and that their clients had it for at least 30 years.

Dimensions: 17"W x 10"D x 6.5" T


From a little looking around on the internet, I found one exactly like it and the description says: Mid 20th Century Ming Style Chinese Rosewood Tea Tray/Display Stand.

Is that all I really need to know about it?

Since I found another exact one online, does that mean these were pretty mass produced, maybe for the tourist trade?

I read a few posts from people here that seem to know a good amount about stands and or builds them; you guys have any other info? @Smoke @artofthedaiza @kakejiku @Hartinez

Beautiful stand, but I do not have the background in Chinese stands and history to give you any more relevant information than you have already written.
It is a common Chinese style Rosewood furniture that is mass produced for everything from table to chair, tea tray etc..
I used to have a dining table set that looked almost exactly like it. The rosewood are long lasting and is becoming rarer nowadays. It's not uncommon to have Rosewood furniture for many decades, even in the US.
I like it very much. The ‘medallions’ between the horizontal stretchers add a lot of visual interest. That being said it screams Chinese. I personally would use it for a big semi-cascade or a big, formal literati. If you went that way, I would advocate for a fairly austere, almost severe kind of unglazed pot.
‘I think you definitely scored something nice.
I have nearly the exact same one about 14"in length. I got it from an importer in TX about 40yrs ago...don't exactly recall who they were but they had some interesting pots/stands/etc.
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