so, my experience with the double line brand. I ordered the small size because I thought that was going to be the right one for me. I sifted the first bag and I had about 20% of the bag between 3/16 - 1/4", about 70% between 1/16 - 1/8", and 10% between fines and very small particles (I guess those wouldn't go through a #20). After noticing that I ordered medium size as well because I definitely want a more even distribution of particle size, and 1/4" will give me more O2 and it will last longer as the roots brake them down.
From my take from Ryan, he uses 1/16 - 1/4", for almost everything except trees that need more aeration, where he removes the 1/16". Also, almost every single tree that Ryan works on in Mirai Live is entering the refinement stage, which I think is where 100% akadama will give the most bang for the buck. Most of the trees that I see here seems to be using 1/4 - 3/8" for better aeration during development, and then shifting to the 1/16 - 1/4" when moving into refinement.
If you are looking at Boon's mix, that is just akadama, pumice and lava (scoria) with traces of other aggregates like horticultural charcoal. For the price of the pre-made mix you cam make your own and adjusting the akadama to your zone, or the need of your trees. I just received a shipment from Jonas with medium size kiryu, aka, and pumice. which I mix in different ratios depending on the trees I'm going to use it on. The expensive particle is akadama, pumice from Jonas is around $30 for the 13-14L box, and there are some places where you can get scoria dirt cheap...