Consider where I am a editor and moderator at and weigh my response accordingly. While you are at it, please show me where I was not polite. Too many people confuse stating truths as being rude, this is as far from the truth as one can get. We do no beginner good by encouraging that which should be discouraged. I personally think that coloring the truth is rude.
The advice I gave bigbill was,
"Try and keep the tree alive, do nothing else for now, let it recover, it needs massive growth, let it grow, don't trim it, don't wire it, just let it grow. After a year or so, if it lives, then start practicing pinching, pruning, wiring, slowly, watch how the species reacts, learn.
Meanwhile, pick up a couple different species, maybe a couple more of these, try and find interesting trunks with old looking bark and movement, compare six side by side before buying and pick the one whose trunks looks the oldest and has visible surface roots, and rough bark....
Bonsai is about tomorrow, care taken selecting trees today will bring the tomorrows much closer."
I stand by this advice, it is truthful and honest, it also shows a path for learning without styling a piece of stock that is A) too newly potted to do so, 2) by his own admission, not healthy enough to do so, and 3) has not got the growth needed to make such decisions.
Bigbill, asked for and received some opinions, some of which were not what he wanted to hear. In response he started the disenchanted thread basically complaining about the advice he received. This was not proper and it is my personal opinion that he owes this forum an apology. When you post something and ask for opinions, you're going to get all opinions, some will not agree with your own world view, but they are as valuable, if not more so, than those that do.
The truth is this is substandard stock, period. It does not mean he can not work on it, it does not mean that he can't grow it, it does not mean that he can't eventually style it and maybe even make a half way decent bonsai out of it in 5 or 10 years. But it is poor stock.
So what, we all most likely have some, I do, hell I have a field full of pines that would be considered poor stock now. The difference is that he asked for advice on it, he got it. If you can't take the opinions, don't ask for them. When you get them, don't complain about them.
There are forums out there where he would have got high praise for this piece, he may even have been asked for advice on how to accomplish what he has. He would have learned nothing, but hey, he would have felt good.
Is this a "feel good" forum? I would rather "feel good" when experience peers tell me I am on the right track, there are experience people here, please do not silence them buy insisting that only the positives about a piece be discussed.
At our club show this week William Valavanis was there and he judged our show, I had six trees entered. None of the ones I thought were my best work placed, in fact one I particularly liked was picked up by William, his critique of that tree was short and simple, "The pot is better than the tree." Was I disenchanted? No, not at all, I laughed, because he was right, I took what he said to heart and now I am determined to improve that tree. Another tree, the semi cascade ficus in the scoop pot I have posted here before, took first place in my class, while what I believe was a better ficus did not place. Was I disenchanted? No, I took his critiques to heart, I listened to his words, and I made notes. Why? Because William is vastly experienced, he is talented, and he has studied with some of the best artists in the world. My trees will become better because of his critiques, I am honored to have had the opportunity to have my trees judged by such experience. I "feel good" about that win, I "feel fortunate" about learning how to improve the others.
All that being said, this forum has a vast amount of combined experience, Big bill should maybe listen to what is being said instead of complaining about it. Take it to heart or not, either way, listen and weigh it. Chances are sometime in the future you will stumble across this thread again and realize that they were right.
Dorothy, Cascade? Who are you huiding from?