trident maple

  1. A

    OMG I need a plan! – Trident Maple

    Hello everyone, This is my first post. Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone on this forum for generously sharing their knowledge and wit. It has been both informative and entertaining to read your posts. I completed a three-day bonsai course in early spring 2024. So, of course, by mid spring, I...
  2. P

    What to do with this Trident Maple

    Hey everyone I am completely new to this hobby and i'm super excited to learn and shape this tree. So here goes, I got my Trident Maple here and I'm wondering what the next step should be. It's roots are currently growing graciously out of the bottom of this pot and I'd say I'm happy with the...
  3. arctic107

    New multi-purpose bonsai enclosure

    I have limited space in my backyard for an enclosure for my bonsai trees and I don't have a garage so I contracted out some work to build an enclosure around my display table that has removable panels for the walls and roof! I'm going to put burlap along the walls (and roof) panels to protect...
  4. BonsaiOnTheBrainTX

    First Trident Maple

    I purchased my first Trident Maple. It’s about 5 ft tall with no movement in the trunk. The base is about an inch and half thick. The first bud is about 6in up from the base. Ive had it a couple weeks and I’m just letting it acclimate, I haven’t repotted or looked at the roots yet. I’m...
  5. S

    Trident Maple Repot Question

    Hi all, Ive attached some images of my trident maple. It was left outside on a porch, so no direct snow during the winter, but definitely plenty of freezing temperatures. While all my Japanese maples were waking up, the Trident was delayed, and I grew concerned. Just this week, maybe within a...
  6. Apex37

    Trident Maple Air Layer Just Callousing

    I started this air layer back in early March and have checked it twice since then. So far I can only get a callous but no roots. Any suggestions on what I could be doing better? Maybe I should try an actual soil mix or mix some in akadama with the sphagnum moss? Would scarring the callous be...
  7. KingJades

    Termite Treatment

    I have active termite activity on a Trident Maple with pruning scars that are healing over. I can see the frass tubes. Is there anything I can use to treat this effectively? I have Bayer 3-in-1 Tree and Shrub Insect, Disease and Mite concentrate, which contains imidacloprid. That's apparently...
  8. C

    Possible fungal problem?

    I am posting a new thread for this just to have more people take a look and provide input. I am thinking I may be dealing with a possible fungal infection of this field grown trident maple that I repotted last Thursday. What do you all think? Most of the leafed out growth has blackened tips...
  9. C

    I'm nervous, but excited!

    I just purchased this trident maple. It will be my best tree yet. I'm super excited to get this and get it potted up. I don't have it yet, but I should get it next week. I have a 21" x 21" wooden box with holes and such that I made that I'll put it in. I'm just a little nervous about getting it...
  10. Teacup bonsai

    Shohin trident progression

    Just wanted to start posting progress of my trident as I keep forgetting and then another year goes by and I can’t remember what it used to look like. I’ll post each progress photo I do have separately. Tree roughly as I got it summer 2020 as pre bonsai from Bonsai West: Potted it up to a...
  11. I

    Trident Maple Scale - Foliage Changing

    Hi all. I’ve been following a number of your threads for quite a while, so thanks for all the help you’ve already shared. I live in Georgia and have a Trident Maple that’s been battling scale for most of the summer. I’d done the rubbing alcohol, q-tip, then fungicidal soap and neem oil...
  12. R

    Tips or experience with Trident Maple “Miyasama Yatsubusa”

    Today I picked up a young Trident Miyasama Yatsubusa and I was wondering what experiences other people have had with this kind of maple. I know they are dwarf and I have read some places that they tend to grow slow, bur does anyone have any tips or info they could share about this sub species?
  13. memehongkong

    Trident Maple #2 progress

    Very happy to find this trident maple at a local bonsai meet yesterday. Interesting trunk and in the price range I can afford. ;) It's June here in S. California so I will sit on my hands and not do any work until next Spring. I will be on the lookout for a bigger nicer pot for this tree...
  14. B

    How to cold stratify Trident Maple seeds?

    Hello, I recently acquired some Trident Maple seeds from online and was wondering if others could check my process. I scarified them with hot water, and currently have them in sealed plastic bags at 39 degrees F in the fridge. However, I was worried about mold and other stuff growing on the...
  15. Apex37

    Triple Trunk Trident

    Picked this trident up at Bjorn’s back a couple months ago for a steal. Been trying to decide which would make a best front. I personally am leaning more towards option 2 or 3, but would love to hear y’all’s thoughts. Plan is to cut back each trunk to the next major branch to start working on...
  16. K

    Trident Maple hasn't dropped its leaves yet

    Hello all. I'm a newbie and this is my first post. My trident maple has not dropped its leaves, even though we've had below freezing temps. Is this something to be concerned about? And I was wondering if I should put it in my attic, which has temps in the high 50s/low 60s, instead of leaving...
  17. invaderzim

    Beginner with too many questions? Probably..

    Hi everyone, Was always interested in bonsai and got really into it after attending a local show and joining the local club. Held off on buying anything off the bat since I wanted to research more, but was able to score a cedar elm and Chinese elm seedling from a door drawing during the meeting...
  18. Y

    Trident maple in ground

    Hello! Longtime lurker, so fascinating to watch y'all do your thing. I'm a rookie tree killer and live east of Atlanta GA USA (zone 8a). I planted a trident maple many years ago not realizing how larger it would eventually become and since then my landscaping plans have changed. I'm going to...
  19. Apex37

    Worth $300?

    I'm on the fence, mostly because I've had a hard time finding any decent trident maples in my area. I came across this guy and curious if you guys think he's worth $300? Nebari: 2 1/4" Height: 9" You guys are the only people I can ask for honest opinions. 🤣
  20. Nicks_Bonsai

    Urgent Trident Maple Help!

    Needs some urgent help Not sure if this is normal but my Shohin Trident Maple which I purchased back in December has come into leaf like a month back however the leaves were looking a bit tangled and bunched together, after a few weeks I left it outside a few weeks back when the night temp went...
  21. jaycraig

    trident maple

    so i just got this trident maple and shimpaku juniper in the mail on friday ( picture below). i wanted to pot them up in 5mm - 6mm perlite but all i had was a fine 1mm-3mm perlite which i bought on accident. so i decided to not wait till i get the bigger grade perlite and pop my repot cherry and...
  22. rollwithak

    I need help on plan for Trident

    Hello Again Nutties, This tree started as a big tree I purchased at a nurseries ugly plant sale. It still has a massive root base but I have started chopping down and working on regrowing shoots. I need your opinions and advice on how to do that. Do I get out of this big pot and cut the roots...
  23. D

    Reopening callous timing

    Got a few trident chops I need to finish carving. On the first chop, the callous has stopped rolling over. The second one I haven't worked yet. Should I go ahead and reopen them both now, or wait until spring after the first flush has hardened, to speed healing? Also, should I remove the dead...
  24. B

    Purchasing bare-root seedlings in winter

    Hello I was thinking of buying some bare-root trident maple seedlings. The problem is that they ship immediately and I live in zone 6B where it can remain cold for a while. Is there any way I can protect the seedlings in the mean time? I was hoping to plant them in the ground this year, but I...
  25. JBP_85

    End of Season Update

    Hi Everyone, With summer ending I wanted to give an update on how my RoR Trident Maple progress as well as share some other progress pics of my other trees. I've taken the advice of others here and decided to just let the seedlings grow. I think they've done quite well bit welcome thoughts...
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