trident maple

  1. Catclow

    Potting up

    Hello, I live in North Alabama and have only been immersing myself in bonsai for about 3 years or so. In the very beginning, I somewhat foolishly purchased a Trident Maple forest from an online mass-producer of bonsai trees. It remains very vigorous after the few years I've had it. It is the...
  2. Sn0W

    Shaping 300 Maple Saplings

    I purchased some Japanese Maple and Trident Maple saplings on ebay from an end of year clearance. I've ended up with about 250 Japanese maples and 50 Trident maples. I was looking for an easier/faster way to put movement into them rather than wiring 300 individual plants. Someone mentioned on...
  3. thumblessprimate1

    Root Over Rock Trident Maple

    I must have been inspired by @Brian Van Fleet to do a root over rock trident maple when I started this who knows maybe 3 years back? I got the cutting from @Eric Group. I cant remember but I think it's spent its time growing in containers. This time I'll continue but will let roots escape. I...
  4. IMG_20191117_094322~2.jpg


    2 years from seed. 8 months in this pot.
  5. Orion_metalhead

    Acer Buergerianum (Trident Maple) #1

    Gifted to me. Age: about 10yrs Width: 1.03" Height: 20" There are some heavy branches in apex which need to be removed to create a more believable branching. Close up of upper branching:
  6. parhamr

    Acer buergerianum A progression

    I’m working on an upright Trident Maple. It’s one of many trees where I’m attempting a fairly conventional and traditional aesthetic to build some of my skills. I’ll update this thread over time with progress. I got the tree in 2014 as a $14 sapling with a pencil-thin trunk in a 4" pot. I moved...
  7. GreatLakesBrad

    Trident Cuttings Success

    First attempt at trident maple cuttings, taken from purchased pre-material. Simply a learning exercise for me, excited to see success. April 4 planted in Bonsai soil, kept indoors inside sealed plastic bin with bottom heating pad. Hardwood before buds showing (taken off trunk-chopped limbs from...
  8. Crassula king

    2019 summer plants

    This is a small pinion pine that I collected from relatives land in Utah. It is doing well so far in a mix of fine washed diotomacious earth treating with liquid fertilizer most waterings. I am pretty confident in my ability to keep it healthy, but don't know much about conifer development. Any...
  9. GreatLakesBrad

    Trident Surgery - Feedback Welcomed

    My first major surgery on a "sort of more ish mature" piece of material. Trident Maple incremental trunk chop, heavy root prune, and repot. These wash basins are of course for future growth and not meant to be aesthetically pleasing. So happy that the tree is doing well this spring and...
  10. BonsaiNaga13

    My first trident from seed

    I bought a pack of 25 trident maple seeds last autumn, after stratification only 4 sprouted but of those 4 only 1 survived. It recently grew enough to write it so I gave my first attempt at wiring
  11. IMG_20190207_142459.jpg


    Trident maple from seed now planted in tiny Chinese pot.
  12. Fonz

    I shamelessly copied Smoke's 5 trees in a hole project...

    Earlier this year I ended up on Smoke's blog and found an interesting little project. Since I have about 75 Trident Maple seedlings I just gave it a try… Smoke's project: My project...
  13. Kudo

    Trident Maple Earth Layering Advice

    I've bought this trident maple online as a 3 years seedling. Apparently it is much older than that and, despite the scars and bad nebari, to me it has a nice tapering for a shohin bonsai which I wanted it to be. First thig I want to correc is the nebari. I was planning to repot it as it...
  14. Trident Maple

    Trident Maple

  15. D

    Trident maple trunk chop problems

    Hello all, I have a trident maple growing over a rock that I trunk chopped three seasons ago. No buds appeared after the first year. The second year I tried some grafting that did not take. This is the third season, and I’m at a bit of a loss. I know the tree is still alive because of the...
  16. Gsquared

    Defoliation Day

    My maples have lengthened and lignified, so I took the day to defoliate three. I’ve not done it for years, but the growth was so vigorous in their new home, decided this was the year. FIVE GALLONS OF LEAVES! Considering it was only 3 trees, sure seemed like a heck of a lot of leaves. I did...
  17. DanteDandre

    Trident Maple - Leaves showing my lack of knowledge/experience

    Hi There, :) My beloved trident male is confirming my lack of knowledge and care regarding the species. My leaves started to show signs of leaf burn as the only available place I have for this plant is in a place that receives the last 3-4hours of partial shade sunlight of the day. The rest...
  18. BonsaiMatt

    Digging a Large Trident Maple

    This Trident has been growing in my yard for around 10 years, I think it was probably around 5 years old when I planted it. I had a bunch of earlier pictures of the trunk development, but naturally I lost them. I've allowed it to grow to 15-20 feet and chopped it back to the ground around 5...
  19. ekim046

    Azalea Bonsai Experiment - Measuring Precise Nutrient Levels & Garden Update

    Hey folks, Just wanted to share my thoughts on measuring nutrients and applied some ideas from Hydroponics growers <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  20. Adamantium

    Trident Maple from 9b to 7a

    I just picked up a beautiful trident maple from Florida. My...
  21. G

    Out of my element...Trident Maple

    So my brother-in-law gave me this bonsai because he claimed it was too far gone to fix. I KNOW it isn't but I also know that I don't know how to fix it. I figured this was the best place to ask since I have absolutely zero experience in this stuff. Three questions for the experts: 1. Is it a...
  22. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Trident Maple - Stick-in-a-Pot - Progression

    The first bonsai tree I ever purchases was a Trident maple from Brussels Bonsai. It was your stereotypical Stick-in-a-Pot. As purchased in the fall of 2015. Unlike most of the trees I bought back when I first started, I didn't do anything with this tree for over a year. Here's how she...
  23. BeebsBonsai

    Tile Method- Repotting of Trident

    Hello fellow Nuts, I have a very young Trident Maple that @Eric Group sold me. I will be repotting it next year into a pond basket or other similar growing container. In addition to a full repot, I would like to employ the tile method. Does anybody have any hands-on tips that they can...
  24. ekim046

    Root Over Rock Project - Rock Highlight and plan

    Hello everyone, I've been keeping an eye out for a rock for an upcoming root-over-rock project. After months of passively searching, I found this little gem: While it has numerous wonderful features, it looks like it will come with it's share of difficulties. I go over these in the video...
  25. Maloghurst

    Pacific Northwest bonsai museum

    I made a really quick stop at the PNW bonsai museum last week and snapped a few pics. Thought I would share them! I exactly ten minutes to see the exhibit so I might be wrong on some Tree names. Hornbeam? Not sure on this one. Japanese maple Japanese Yew Name this one? Flowering of some...
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