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  1. PeaceLoveBonsai

    One Last Visit To Eisei-en

    A quick video of my recent visit to Eisei-en. Gonna miss Bjorn and his amazing garden 😢
  2. PeaceLoveBonsai

    50 Year Old Scotts Pine From Roland Folse

    A few years back, @Deep Sea Diver shared a link to an inventory sale for the Pacific Bonsai Museum. (Link - The PBM was selling off some trees, many from Roland Folse. I picked up...
  3. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Shohin JBP Progression

    Here is a few historical pics of a JBP I’ve been developing for a bit. (This was a Facebook Auctions purchase for $80, I believe). The tree in fall of 2021: I candle cut this summer, but the growth came in VERY wonky. Which is unusual for this tree (and JBPs in general). I’m gonna let it...
  4. PeaceLoveBonsai

    JBP Shohin Clump From @JudyB

    I bought this awesome little tree from @JudyB a couple years ago. Here’s some historical pics and her original posting. I’ve done a little work. Mostly trying to get it healthy. It still needs work. Especially in balancing the...
  5. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Juniper From @Dav4

    A few years back, @Dav4 offered up this Shimpaku. You can read about the sale here: You can read more about the history of the tree here: It’s taken me...
  6. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Pacific Bonsai Museum - Scots Pine

    I purchased this Scots from an online auction that the Pacific Bonsai Musuem held. They were getting rid of a bunch of trees from a guy that donated them to the museum. I can’t remember his name (maybe someone here will remember) I have other photos, but I can’t seem to find them, so these...
  7. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Sergio Cuan Artwork

    Hey Everyone! Excited to share some artwork for sale from our friend @MACH5 (Aka Sergio Cuan) As some of you know, Sergio and I have been working together to bring some of his bonsai art to the NFT world and starting Monday, the 31st, his first work will be available to purchase. You can...
  8. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Bonsai NFT Project

    Good afternoon bonsai friends! I haven't posted here for a bit, been super busy with a bonsai project that I'd like to share with ya'll! Myself and Brandon Baldauf of Hawkeye Bonsai are embarking on a bonsai NFT project. We're excited about the idea of bringing bonsai into the metaverse and...
  9. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Name The Current Top 3 American Potters

    As most of you know, the great Ron Lang retired earlier this year. For me, he was one our very best American potters. Along with Sara Rayner & Roy Minari, Ron Lang made up the Top 3. Now that he has retired, who takes his place? Name your top 3 current (still making pots) American Potters.
  10. PeaceLoveBonsai

    What 3 Tools Do You Use the Most & Why?

    As I worked in the shop today, it dawned on me that I use 3 tools way more than any other. Wondering if my 3 are the same as yours? So, which 3 tools do you use most?
  11. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Best Places to Buy Bonsai Online?

    I recently updated this post of the Top 5 places to buy bonsai online in the US. I’m curious, what other places are out there that you’ve had good experience with? I plan to update this again for 2022 and I want to check out other vendors, just in case they are better than my current top 5...
  12. PeaceLoveBonsai

    European Beech - Airlayer Attempt

    Last fall I purchased a European Beech from a reputable dealer on the FB auction site. Unfortunately, when I went to repot in the spring, I found the truck split into two below the soil line. I decided to try and airlayer above the split. When experienced bonsai people suggest you dig around...
  13. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Shimpaku From Evergreen Gardenworks

    Purchased this tree in the fall of 2019. As purchased: Repotted in Spring of 2020. And initial style this weekend. Plenty of refinement (and time) is needed here to better create pads, but I’m happy with the general direction. I’ve also started some live vein on the trunk, but it’s...
  14. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Merry Christmas! Show us your Bonsai gifts

    My poor wife knows nothing about Bonsai, but she still gets me some cool stuff. I’m hoping for some pots. How about you, what did Santa and his elves bring you this year? And a Happy and Healthy Holiday season to all my Bnut friends. May your trees grow with abundance in 2021!
  15. PeaceLoveBonsai

    PLB 5 year Native Challenge- Acer Rubrum

    4 started. We will see how it goes. I think 3 of them on are on tiles. One was free from Arbor Day. The other 3 were purchased from a local grower. I want to love this species b/c it’s everywhere around here and the fall colors are amazing, but the growth seems so corse.
  16. PeaceLoveBonsai

    PLB 5 Year Native Challenge - Ilex Verticallita

    Purchased these from the Arbor Day website. There appears to be 2 or 3 in each. I’ll look to separate them, if I can, in the spring.
  17. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Rocky Mountain Juniper #1

    I had the day off and had an opportunity to work on this RMJ. As purchased: Initial Styling: I hope I can tighten up the foliage over the next few years.
  18. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Pyracantha #1

    A pyracantha purchased from @choppychoppy As purchased: Initial Styling I don’t know a ton about pyracantha. Any tips or thoughts or resources would be greatly appreciated. Stay safe Nutters!
  19. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Quick Azeala Question

    Hey Nutters! Hoping one of you azeala experts can help me with a quick question/concern. My azealas appear to be on the cusp of blooming, and it’s November! I don’t think I remember buds setting, like this, in late fall. Is this normal? I moved this year and have also fertilized a bit...
  20. PeaceLoveBonsai

    A Couple Of Conifers I’ve Been Working On

    Here’s a couple of trees I’ve worked on recently. Always open to critiques and thoughts. First up is a Colorado Blue Spruce. This tree was in @Owen Reich ’s collection. I bought it at the Nashville Bonsai Society auction. I felt this was a difficult piece to style. So I’m happy with my first...
  21. PeaceLoveBonsai

    In search of American-built Unglazed rectangles

    This week I interviewed a Nashville based potter named John Cole. We discussed a bit about building unglazed, slab built, rectangles. You can read bout it here, if you’d like. I’d like to find more American potters...
  22. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Colorado Blue Spruce - Styled

    I purchase this CBS from Todd Schlafer a few years back. As purchased I did a repot and some reduction last year, but have not done a whole lot with it. My plan was to take it to Bjorn’s, but we haven’t had classes all year, so I guess I’m on my own! Before the work this weekend: And after...
  23. PeaceLoveBonsai

    So I started a blog

    What’s up Bnutters? So, I decided to start a blog. You can check it out at Although I don’t consider myself a bonsai expert of any kind, I do love me some bonsai! My plan is to talk about all things bonsai... Book reviews, product reviews, some tree talk, some pot talk...
  24. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Willow Leaf Reimagined

    I purchased this willow leaf in the summer of 2017 from a good gent in my St. Louis bonsai club. (I really liked the pot). As purchased. In the summer of 2018, my kids knocked it off my bench. 😢 At this point, I was not liking the tree. (But I loved the pot, grrr!) The design of the tree...
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