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  1. crust

    Advice about installation of outdoor bonsai stands

    Use wood treated specifically for ground burial. Its not much more. I suggest 6x6 buried 3.5 ft.
  2. crust

    Rotten wood as an organic component

    The one and only. I sought him out 35 years ago in a pursuit to establish a career in bonsai. We became friends. I never became a bonzo-pro--at the time, eventually I deemed it an untenable reality, especially being I had a wife and kids, forever it is a dream for me now.
  3. crust

    To cascade or not....Larch

    To bad you could not have retained that lowest branch that's a stub. If you had I would recommend to plant it in the ground or hyper grow it for a while to gain taper. Now it will have to be grown carefully to avoid future reverse taper.
  4. crust

    American Bonsai Potters

    What you are doing is just flat awesome--great resource for all.
  5. crust

    Winter Preparation-What Do You Do

    This morning it was 34 below zero F. My bonzo storage facility was at 26 above--no additional heating. All is well. This weekend I will probably bring some snow in to dust on the trees.
  6. crust

    What makes a good pot?

    Pot design that I favor are great proportion (something a lot of Amer. Potters struggle with), rough clay bodies, flared designs, well built strong suble feet(I really don't like many of the airy japanese frilly feet I see), great and varied lips, super durability, avoid boatiness, avoid narrow...
  7. crust

    What makes a good pot?

    I resemble that remark.
  8. crust

    Unbelievably stupid move!

    Well, it was fully submerged, not just up to the pot, or lower trunk, but completely sunk over its top.
  9. crust

    Unbelievably stupid move!

    Well it pretty much is a compound, definitely not a froo-froo garden. pretty ugly.
  10. crust

    Unbelievably stupid move!

    I once had a really ugly 3-foot deep pond in my bonsai compound. I had a few trees around its edge and somehow a white cedar mysteriously ended up falling in the pond, sunk to the bottom and sat there upright fully submerged and undiscovered for a couple days--maybe even 3 days. I pulled it out...
  11. crust

    About wiring.

    I think I get your spirit. It has credence with me personaly, however I believe that the application of wire is the single most important technique to develop most bonsai in America. I think the overall national quality of bonsai is being elevated primarily because practioners are wiring more...
  12. crust

    I need usage tips on Biogold!

    Did you notice the Doc E not really breaking down in the Tea B. It was as if it needed more physical exposure in order to break down. I used Doc earth in open cups with small holes and it seemed completely different--I could see a fertility reaction quickly.
  13. crust

    Is this right???? : the cutters seat nicely with a slight offset yet the stop-post is gapped by 1/8"

    Still no response from Stone Lantern despite 2 emails. Irritated.
  14. crust

    Hi, crust here. I have been shifting around on this camera thing--the variables being ease of...

    Hi, crust here. I have been shifting around on this camera thing--the variables being ease of use, versatility, and cost. The Sony Alpha a5000 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm OSS Lens has been recommended as a compromise--what do you think?
  15. crust

    Is this Yew \ Taxus to big to collect?

    This tree is not too big. I believe people try to take to big of root ball when they go for these things. If you collect a giant ball then let it grow you just have to traumatize it again by cutting all the roots off again and again while downsizing and the plant dies later of exhaustion. Check...
  16. crust

    Need bonsai camera and accessory recommendation

    Truthfully, as usual, I am overwhelmed. And it's all pretty expensive. My tendency with this is to go simple. I am into too much already--I just can't decide what to do. I would be nice to have a little more multi-purpose camera I suppose. Setting up lighting will probably be the way for me...
  17. crust

    Need bonsai camera and accessory recommendation

    Lie this?????
  18. crust

    Need bonsai camera and accessory recommendation

    Need a recommendation for a camera for me to do good portrait photos of bonsai. Budget 5-600$. Need to start taking quality portrait and developmental photos of my bonsai and art projects. I am not a camera aficionado. Does not necessarily have to be complex. I do want them to be good enough for...
  19. crust

    Pigletts Progress

    Ahh yes, this is the meditative element-- do you feel there is more beyond this?
  20. crust

    Intelligent conversation of the Literati

    The pot, I actually made for the tree. Cultivating these Blue Rug Junipers is a challenge, root-wise, at least for me. Growing it in a super small pot would be untenable for me in my garden.
  21. crust

    Pigletts Progress

    Time wiring trees--and doing stuff, is flat mind-bending sometimes. It is no wonder most amateur American bonzo are unkempt. I often wonder about these hours--as an individual, are they wasted, are they developmental to me somehow--other than meditatively? My Norbilly friend reminds me he is...
  22. crust

    Intelligent conversation of the Literati

    A small and old larch with a very small canopy and really nice bark. Maybe it has overbearing DW, yet I never shorten them. Literati?
  23. crust

    Intelligent conversation of the Literati

    I have had this one for a while. A funny tree--kind of literati. My wife calls it Lacy. A collected BRJ. I look at it in photo and realize with harder thinning it could become more.
  24. crust

    Is this right???? : the cutters seat nicely with a slight offset yet the stop-post is gapped by 1/8"

    I sent an inquiry to Stone Lantern which is the supplier but have not heard back
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