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  1. crust

    Building a wet slab bonsai pot

    thank you so much for documenting your work. It is fascinating and the results are amazing.
  2. crust

    Bjorn Bjorholm Speaks Out On Hedge Pruning

    Wow, is this the "green helmet" style that is talked about?
  3. crust

    My little Cotoneaster monster

    what is the species?
  4. crust

    Selecting material for root over rock (or skull)

    I maintain numerous RO bone compositions. One of the real issues when planting root over bone is that bone breaks down, this requires ongoing cleaning and periodic applications of epoxy. I have found untreated bones or skulls start really degrading after a decade. For me, I have found that...
  5. crust

    What to do with Scots budding?

    This tree grows clots of buds at most growth points every year regardless of how fast it grows--I think it may be a special cultivar but I am not sure.
  6. crust

    What to do with Scots budding?

    I also have a Scots that I think needs attention. It's pretty heavily ramified already and moving into refinement. I am not overly focused on back budding. Mine has clusters of small buds at the ends of most of the branches, they are singularly at the branch tip and also stepped back in 1/8"...
  7. crust

    What to do with Scots budding?

    I think of it sequentially, therefore, there is a little blurring as a said bud moves through the progression and whether it is manipulated: Bud (there are different kinds of buds), candle (there are different stages of development of candles), shoot( there are different stages of development of...
  8. crust

    What to do with Scots budding?

    Good Lord
  9. crust

    American Larch

    Nice trees. Great material.
  10. crust

    PH lvl 7.5 on my water? is that passable or hard?

    What you shown I believe is not a RO filter. A cheap RO system usually includes at least one sediment filter and one RO filter, the cheaper ones are slower and don't believe their claims for high output.
  11. crust

    Ryan Neil interview of Bill Valavanis

    Yup, the dudes a Bonsai legend. I recently heard a story of how he walked into the famous Japanese show the Kokufu-ten went up to a displayed tree, eyeballed it, and immediately commanded the attending Japanese apprentices to adjust the orientation of the stand a fraction of an inch, which they...
  12. crust

    PH lvl 7.5 on my water? is that passable or hard?

    I have water that tests: conductivity 480, total hardness 210 (rated hard-anything over 300 is very hard), calcium hardness 160, PH 7.9. I struggled with issues related to water quality for years until I switched to a rainwater collection (1000 gallons storage and RO augmented system. I suffered...
  13. crust

    PH lvl 7.5 on my water? is that passable or hard?

    Very generally speaking
  14. crust

    How do you winterize your trees?

    Yup, you be smart. Same for me, the vole would decimate everything eventually, that and that odd years where it approaches 50 below--in the years before my storage crypt of doom some precious irreplaceable trees perished from deep cold and I will not forgive myself.
  15. crust

    The Eccentric Bonsai Artistry of Nick Lenz" National Bonsai and Penjing Museum; Oct 26 - Nov 17, 2019

    Twisted Genius: The Eccentric Bonsai Artistry of Nick Lenz" National Bonsai and Penjing Museum at the U.S. National Arboretum Sat, Oct 26 - Nov 17 10:00 am - 4:00 pm I and other Lenz students and friends will be showing Lenz art at this unique retrospective. A tribute to Nick Lenz a pioneer in...
  16. crust

    Repotting and half bare rooting pines

    Your such a good explainer on process, simple but specific and infinitely understandable. Can you share a description of your" regular bonsai repotting process"?
  17. crust

    Repotting and half bare rooting pines

    Aside from the great horticultural properties of akadama have you considered its importation as an unsustainable practice? I would think Japan will cease exporting their own specialty soil at some near point.
  18. crust

    Repotting and half bare rooting pines

    Thank you for such a detailed and succinct explanation of your process.
  19. crust

    Late summer repotting

    Repotting is a lot of work and a pain, one gets overwhelmed, especially in the spring and then repotting gets neglected, trees decline. This has been my story for 4 years. Trees have died.
  20. crust

    Larch - Pruning Back to a Bud

    Zone 3 Minnesota. The fresh and young ponytails show small specs where the buds are but I usually I don't look--I just remove 2/3, which leaves a couple of buds usually but often I don't care as long as there is one bud. The intent is site bifurcation but also pushing energy back to interiors...
  21. crust

    Larch - Pruning Back to a Bud

    My opinion is Ryans modality with larch do not seamlessly apply to most of us because of his growing techniques and climate. Larch grows like ditch weed there. It is like giving advice on growing house plants in your yard in NY city as opposed to southern Florida, the amount of growth he gets...
  22. crust

    Dormant Season Spraying Part 1: Broadleaf Deciduous Trees

    As always thank you for sharing your succinct and specific knowledge on this oh so frustrating issue!
  23. crust

    How to increase soil acidity for blueberry?

    You are an amazing blueberry man
  24. crust

    Modern stand design

    I really think any future disentrenchment from the predominant culture established bonzo etiquette, and a movement toward one that is more authentic and able to evolve, will first take place in the aesthetics of the display format: The whole gamut of the Japanese tradition of display...
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