Imperial Masterpiece
Its always like that, the first time.So that's that. I think it was ok. Good experience.
Its always like that, the first time.So that's that. I think it was ok. Good experience.
Its always like that, the first time.
Yes, you did well - it is how I got started, but I layered a strange secondary trunk on an a. palmatum 'ukigumo'. It proved to be the top of the generic a. palmatum root stock - turned it into more than a dozen trees and learned alot about tree physiology along the way. I'm still trying to make them into legit bonsai (i.e., the hard part is still in front of you).Lol. I feel like I attract those kinda jokes.. If it's not you, it's Lance lol, except he always has a flashy gif to go with it...
What do you think, first time, did I do good?
Yes, you did well - it is how I got started, but I layered a strange secondary trunk on an a. palmatum 'ukigumo'. It proved to be the top of the generic a. palmatum root stock - turned it into more than a dozen trees and learned alot about tree physiology along the way. I'm still trying to make them into legit bonsai (i.e., the hard part is still in front of you).
Sorry, for no flashy gif - maybe @LanceMac10 will make things right!
Chopping, cleaning, pasting, potting...
The aftercare.
I'd say you learned yourself a bunch!
Well done!
I see no need for clever gifs here.......Cat had a plan, did research, asked the right questions and did the work. Looks, initially, like a smashing success!!
Give it some shade for a bit, observe it, see if it has a little too much top growth for the existing root system, then maybe cut back a little.
More than anything, just leave it alone and let it sort itself out.
Looks like a top job, great work!
OK......maybe you can dance a little..... show that sweet lil' package!!
View attachment 112767
Any concerns about winter?
Good lord!! Don't I wish! Although I always saw it that way, but I'm biased.
Cute couple, but not my thing....
I do like to watch people's mannerisms and how they use their hands, though...is that weird?
The lady cups that switch like it's a new born puppy or the Hope diamond......nice
The dude is poking that thing like it's on the grill 'Duh, is this 'ting dun yet? Looks a little baked, too
Wait a minute, what are we talking about.....
They should put a lot of roots in before winter....
I'm not big on winter protection.
It's live or die for me!
F weak shit!
Hmm patience is what we need for doing chores - like cleaning the toilet.
When you move a tree from zone x to zone y, you normally have to acclimate.
I would suggest learning on cuttings -- in the case of an elm, perhaps a root cutting .
Elms do better if ground grown for trunk size and refined afterwards.
[ all of our elm stock is from around London, via Holland from China ]
The mother elms all acclimated and now take a rest after Chrismas for a month to 6 weeks.
Seems to be shorter days and not cold that induces dormancy.
Leaves begin to brown and crack, then fall to be followed by bright green buds.
First Chinese elms for our part of the tropics were around 1980, all still alive, and never indoors - full sun.
Doing nicely.
Wishing you well.
Good Day
Looks great bro!
If you didn't watch that free Mirai Video..
You totally should!
I'd say in a month you can whack it all off.
You've moved along pretty fast...
And demonstrate a great ability to retain good information...
So stop asking newb Ass questions!
Just kidding..
But seriously....
You got this!
Well Done!
What do you think of the last pic as a plan