Trident Maple #1 Progression


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Maidens, VA
I bought this trident from Julian Adams in 2015, which makes it my 2nd oldest surviving tree. I liked the fat trunk but I've never been crazy about the base.

Here is the tree in 2016. I wanted a wider canopy and started to let the branches extend. I was on a round pot kick at the time but it didn't really work for this tree.

So in 2017, it went into an oval. I continued to work on the branches and thought about what could be done to the base. Someday I may try some root grafts but I haven't gotten around to it yet.


Later in the year in 2017. I must have slip potted it, but don't recall that. I was pretty impatient back then but I've gotten much better about that.

Not much change in 2018 other than another new pot and some more branch extension

This is the only pic I took of the tree in 2021. I'm pretty happy with the size of the canopy but I may open it back up a little in the front so the trunk can be seen.


2022 update coming soon.
Lovely progression. You must have quite the pot collection. The other ovals were really nice also! That tree has come a long way in your capable hands! Thanks for sharing.
Lovely progression. You must have quite the pot collection. The other ovals were really nice also! That tree has come a long way in your capable hands! Thanks for sharing.
I try not to think about how much money I've spent on pots, but it's a lot. I think I've finally reached a point where all of my trees are in their final pots but one. Thankfully, I've been able to use most of these pots on other trees. I have a chinese elm in that first oval and a crape myrtle in the 2nd one. The third green one had a crack in it when I bought it , so I only paid $10 for it I think. It's not in use.
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