Japanese Maple cuttings [From start to finish: A Guide]

Learning how to do something at which you fail, includes opening your mind for the option that the person who is telling you how to do it, might know what they are talking about.

I gave you a link to a page I wrote to show people what I do. You challenged the technique. I showed the outcome/results. Then you go ahead an insult me?


I would say,
look into what you have done differently from the resources you have used
but that would be repeating myself.

Send me the links
I know reading is an acquired skill but...:https://www.growingbonsai.net/bonsai-propagation-by-cuttings-in-spring/

Idote boer.
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Have you even bothered to look at my post seriously? Did you watch the 5 videos i did over this spring and sunmer trying all the methods as seen online? You have not. There is obviously massive dissinformation on JM cuttings
I DID look at your post seriously, which is why I posted the link to something I have personally verified to work
I do not follow external cloaked links, for reasons which should be self-explanatory for an internet-wizz like yourself
There is misinformation on everything. Happy to be a biologist and thus already able to sift things out that are clear rubbish. Then test what makes sense. And if it works, I am telling people who ask how to do it. For free. That's the sort of person I am.

You are welcome.
Sterile scissors, cut 90% of leaf off, leave only two leaves like this per cutting..

Cut at very acute angle

Bonsai soil, under bench, water daily
This is the advice i got and the advice i have used in the pictures sent above. I hope it works. I will keep you updated.
Quick summary of what I’ve seen so far.

-Hi. I’m new to Bonsai and you all are doing it wrong. Watch my thread and youll learn. Oh and Nigel Saunders is a fake.-

Preach boy!

Is that really a quick summary of this while thread. Can i quote you on that for future reference?
Hmm... can’t get maples to grow from cuttings? Cut in the early morning late May - August here, stick in moistpeat perlite potting soil, use rooting compound - or not, keep em’ moist and watch them grow...

What’s the issue?

DSD sends
Read the original post for the issue? Cheers. Thanks
Ive never had a maple cutting fail.

maybe its that garbage mud you are growing them in.
Yes maybe. Trees outside in nature don't grow in my garbage mud they grow in 100% perlite and sometimes in 50%perlite and 50%peatmoss. Those are the only conditions for plant growth.
Quick summary of what I’ve seen so far.

-Hi. I’m new to Bonsai and you all are doing it wrong. Watch my thread and youll learn. Oh and Nigel Saunders is a fake.

This pretty much sums it up.

@Bravura Bonsai
Keep attempting to propagate your JM cuttings in mud, I'm sure you'll have more success than those with decades of experience whose advice you have so readily disregarded...
Yes maybe. Trees outside in nature don't grow in my garbage mud they grow in 100% perlite and sometimes in 50%perlite and 50%peatmoss. Those are the only conditions for plant growth.


Where are deciduous cuttings propagated naturally without help from man?

Seeds can grow in mud on the side of a ditch.

If only there was an ideal substrate to give you the best results that experienced nursery growers have used millions of times 🧐 probably not though.

Looks like we need you to figure it out. We need you, to tell us how to do something a decent amount of us have already had success with.

But please, keep up the attitude. I personally am very impressed with your obvious knowledge and impeccable tact.
I didn’t read all the replies, seems like there’s some bickering. But here’s my input:

1. it’s not summer here in SA, it’s autumn/fall
2. I took and rooted around 20 JM cuttings this season in South Africa, mostly in spring and early summer. I think it’s too late to be taking cuttings now.
3. Seems like yours using regular garden soil. I used straight perlite. You want something light and airy. Maybe others have had success using garden dirt but why not rather use what’s tried and tested and what’s known to work?
4. You definitely need a humidity tent/done in our climate. I used one and don’t think JM cuttings would last long in our summer.

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