Brian Van Fleet
Pretty Fly for a Bonsai Guy
We have recently lost a club member who has left behind some Bonsai trees that his wife is interested in selling. I am trying to get the listing of trees into the hands of area bonsai practitioners with the hope we can sell the trees. Please see the attached website for the description and photos of the trees, and forward it to those you feel would have interest.
I’d like to set up a pick-up day of March 10 at their Birmingham home, between 12-2 PM Central. Please feel free to email, call or text me with questions about these trees and I’ll be glad to help any way I can. I can’t ship, sorry. Shipping requests will not be answered.
To reserve a tree, just PM me the tree number and I’ll hold it for you. If someone else asks to reserve the same tree, I will notify you and ask you to pay for the tree, or let it go to the next buyer. PayPal is preferred.
Here are some photos of the trees for sale.
I’d like to set up a pick-up day of March 10 at their Birmingham home, between 12-2 PM Central. Please feel free to email, call or text me with questions about these trees and I’ll be glad to help any way I can. I can’t ship, sorry. Shipping requests will not be answered.
To reserve a tree, just PM me the tree number and I’ll hold it for you. If someone else asks to reserve the same tree, I will notify you and ask you to pay for the tree, or let it go to the next buyer. PayPal is preferred.
Here are some photos of the trees for sale.
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