There's a bonsai club meeting on Monday I'm attending. First time going. Super nervous.


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Central Virginia
I feel silly even posting this. But I'm feeling incredibly anxious about the Monday club meeting. I'm super psyched, don't get me wrong, but I'm so new to proper bonsai I feel like a fish out of water.

They seem incredibly nice! Been talking to one of the members online and they sit around for 3 hours working on their trees and talking bonsai. It seems so chill!

I'm planning on bringing a couple trees to get critiqued on and asking for advice, a book or two with questions to have clarified, and a notebook to write down info.

I know I'm overthinking this. And I know it's going to be a lot of fun. But eeep!
The hardest part about your first club meeting is figuring out who to take advice from. Lots of folks will be giving you opinions but you don't yet know who knows what they're doing. Listen to everybody and eventually a consensus will emerge.
They're fun! I started going to my local club in October, it's been great, everybody is chill, loves talking about trees (tbh I should've started going in September because that was auction month, but I thought it might be weird to just show up for the first time and start buying trees from strangers, since it's club members only)
I feel a lot better hearing all this. I've never been to a niche hobby meeting and had people be mean to me. I think I'm just more nervous than usual because it's been so long since joining a new thing!
Be curious, eager, and humble. If they don't respond well to that approach, then you don't want to join that club.
I'm writing out some questions right now. I'm feeling more excited after hearing everyone's positivity here!
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