Donald Trump.

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No I agree, just saying it's sort of ironic and extremely hypocritical lol
So your saying a man can't change his mind? Have you ever said something and later on changed your mind? Do you not think after being in office he has a better insight on what's going on or situations have changed? I think a lot of people just look for reasons to justify why they don't like him.
So your saying a man can't change his mind? Have you ever said something and later on changed your mind? Do you not think after being in office he has a better insight on what's going on or situations have changed? I think a lot of people just look for reasons to justify why they don't like him.

Yes I do, but if I were in a high political office with the intention of presidency I would carefully consider the things I state in public. Attacking someone's agenda when you should knowingly accept that you may well be doing the same thing in future is sort of reckless, it only allows people to pick up on your political U-turns down the road.
Yes I do, but if I were in a high political office with the intention of presidency I would carefully consider the things I state in public. Attacking someone's agenda when you should knowingly accept that you may well be doing the same thing in future is sort of reckless, it only allows people to pick up on your political U-turns down the road.
The only thing I'll disagree about this is he was never in a high political office with intention of presidency. He was a business man, civilian he never held any office.
Whatever he said before, taking out that base was the right thing to do now.
Playing devils advocate here but was it really...without a plan on what we are going to do next. The other point is do we have the full story yet on what happened and where do you draw the line on interfering in a Sovereign country?
I dont buy that Assad did it. Im more inclined to believe the rebels, who have done things like beheading children are the more likely culprits. They have a motive to start a regimw change.
Lose / Lose topic but I tend to agree that it's beyond strange that several days after it's publicly announced that Assad can "stay" he decides it's his cue to gas a bunch of civilians. These middle east despot douche nozzles don't get where they are because they're stupid, and well...
Lose / Lose topic but I tend to agree that it's beyond strange that several days after it's publicly announced that Assad can "stay" he decides it's his cue to gas a bunch of civilians. These middle east despot douche nozzles don't get where they are because they're stupid, and well...

By every measure Saudi Arabia deserves to be bombed much more than Syria. but we need that natural gas pipeline that goes to europe. strangely, attacking Syria(a secula state hy the standards of the middle east) is one of the only things the arab states, israel and europe all agree on.
Is anyone here old enough to remember "Amos & Andy" on radio then TV in the 50's...
One of my favorites was their antaganist "Ruby Begonia"....
The Good Ole Days....
Playing devils advocate here but was it really...without a plan on what we are going to do next. The other point is do we have the full story yet on what happened and where do you draw the line on interfering in a Sovereign country?

I don't think a plan on what to do next is as crucial as swift action. The plan on what to do next can be as simple as ... nothing. Mission accomplished, and no further action needed unless there is another gas attack. Acting quickly was crucial. The longer you wait, the more likely Russia runs interference. As for where we draw the line, I don't really know, but I value the prevention of sarin gas attacks on civilians far more than I value the sovereignty of a country that engages in sarin gas attacks on civilians.
The ignorant imbeciles rule:

'Even Hitler didn't use chemical weapons'

(White House press secretary, Sean Spicer)

Tell them millions of people, many of them their fellow citizens were gassed by the nazis:

Looks like those incompetent billionaires now need another war to boost their business.
Arguably, he's technically correct. Hitler didn't use chemical weapons in the war. There are a few interesting theories as to why, one of which is actually related to his weird mustache, but the important point is that he did use poison gas as a murder weapon inside his concentration camps. So while Spicer may be technically correct about using "chemical weapons" "in" World War II, his point is stupid.
Hi Bolero,

I hope you had a good time in ye old continent.

Any good or bad experience with the locals?

Had any opportunity to talk with people, apart fromordering a cup of coffe at an outdoor café in Paris? - a complete rip-off!

Any contact with plant-loving, nature-loving people?...

Would you agree with "What you find is what you bring", I mean when you can speak a few words with the locals, or even show them that you're a friendly person, there's nothing to fear, on the contrary, there might be something to learn.

Mind you, I'm now an atheist, but somehow I believe in "Karma": what you do to others has a consequence.

Trump called Turkey's Erdogan to congratulate him on referendum win

We have a saying:"Tell me who you are acquainted with, I'll tell you who you are".

Winning by 51% is no big win, especially when Trump's chum has emprisoned members of parliament under the false pretext that they supported terrorists, closed most of the newspapers and TV channels that were critical of his policies, sent dozens of journalists to jail again under the false pretext of supporting terrorists, arresting schoolboys for "insulting the president" (The Telegraph, not a particularly left-wing paper), provided weapons to ISIS before changing his mind (another common point with Darnold Trump), re-ignited a war with the Kurds to cause havoc that would cause fear, and when there's fear, it always benefits to the demagogues, and wants to get rid of Turkey's secular constitution and set up an islamic state whereas 2 million votes did not conform to the electoral laws: unstamped ballot papers.

Rings a bell?

Once again a great oppotunity for the Americans (for HE is the US, isn't he?) to shoot themselves in the foot (another local phrase), fuel hatred against the US.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe tonight Trump will twit a message saying he's sending the nuclear armada to make (corporate) America great again.

Who knows with such a half-wit...

Hi Bolero,

I hope you had a good time in ye old continent.

Any good or bad experience with the locals?

Had any opportunity to talk with people, apart from ordering a cup of coffe at an outdoor café in Paris? - a complete rip-off!

Any contact with plant-loving, nature-loving people?...

Would you agree with "What you find is what you bring", I mean when you can speak a few words with the locals, or even show them that you're a friendly person, there's nothing to fear, on the contrary, there might be something to learn.

Mind you, I'm now an atheist, but somehow I believe in "Karma": what you do to others has a consequence.

Paris is Magical with its Centuries old Architecture, its quaint Coffee shops, its outdoor Dining and Drinking...

All wonderful experiences with the locals except for the ones selling Ripoff items & stuff...

Did not meet or see anything Bonsai related...

High Point was the Louvre & Eiffel Tower...

OK with Atheism but do not believe in Karma, we make our own way, nothing is preordained...

Life is good...
Life is good...

Glad you enjoyed your trip there ;)

do not believe in Karma, we make our own way, nothing is preordained...

Well... I think that when you're nice with people, people are nice with you, and that goes beyond your personal encounters with strangers: it's like seeds that you leave behind when you're gone.

We don't agree on some topics, but what's the f.. heck? "Elsewhere" is largely what you bring with you, and if you bring frienship, you'll meet friendly people.


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Excellent ! :D

If this clown could really play music, I'm sure your future would be brighter!

Even pissed artists can fare much better, especially if they get a sense of humour (and a modicum of intelligence):

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