BRT, too much sun?


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Syracuse, NY
Where do you keep your Brazilizn rain tree with regards to amount of sunlight. I live in Syracuse, NY (possibly the least sunny city on the planet) yet still my BRT seems to enjoy staying in the shade. My benches recieve full sun from sun up until sundown. Whenever I have left the BRT on them, the leaves close as if it is night time. Is this normal, do they prefer the shade? Thanks.

Where do you keep your Brazilizn rain tree with regards to amount of sunlight. I live in Syracuse, NY (possibly the least sunny city on the planet) yet still my BRT seems to enjoy staying in the shade. My benches recieve full sun from sun up until sundown. Whenever I have left the BRT on them, the leaves close as if it is night time. Is this normal, do they prefer the shade? Thanks.


Being in Texas I find every tree likes some shade.
My BR has morning sun and evening muted shade.
Their leaves closing is normal when they get too hot or it is raining or at night. It is part of their characteristic nature.
Mine does well in the shade,seemed to go down hill fast if left in the sun.
Thanks for confirming my beliefs. Looks like we can safely say that shade is best for BRT.

Dave, I keep my BRT inside year around. When I take it out on the deck to water (in the summer) the leaves close up most of the time as the temp is from 95f-105 here in Alabama. The leaves open and close on this tree is what I find very interesting. I keep it inside in a sun room by the window that gets good sun all day, AC vents closed in this room so the temp is around 80f. I move all tropical outside for the summer except this one tree and another ficus.
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