Cicadas Found a Home on My Spruce

They're very unlikely to do much of anything to you trees. I've had at least two swarm years of them here over the last few decades--we may get another invasion in mid-May, but we're on the peripheral of most of the emergence this time around. Haven't had any damage to bonsai. They don't feed on trees or leaves. They do nip the ends of forest trees or large landscape trees to lay eggs, typically at the crotches of larger secondary branching. They don't much bother with bonsai, too short, not big enough to mess with.

If you're concerned about them, put bird netting over your trees. They last only a few weeks. They do make a racket though.
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They cut slits in the trunks and branches to lay eggs. They never heal and often it kills off the above foliage.
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