New content from Mirai…

What does that mean?

It means it's not intended for a white/caucasian audience.

In European politics, it seems like the far right wing of the political spectrum is often very concerned about race and ethnicity. In the U.S., the far left wing of the political spectrum is very concerned about race and ethnicity.
I personally do not understand the backlash.

This dude is an artist who lives in the woods in Oregon with hundreds of bonsai trees. It is not really that surprising to me that he would have a bunch of hippies over to dance in the garden….

It is “okay” to have interests other than bonsai 😂
Especially given Mirai's interest in conservation, I am not surprised by the weird earth day hippy dance. When it popped up in my feed, I saw the thumbnail and thought to myself, "Gee, that looks like a weird earth day hippy dance. I'm going to watch one of his other videos instead." I don't think it's some grand marketing ploy, I think that Ryan is very interested in environmentalism, and right now that movement tends to attract a lot of peculiar people, who undoubtedly influence him in odd ways.
Here I thought I dabble in a few different topics on my Youtube channel 😄 I gave him props for venturing out but is comes off aa bit "too" artsy
I am not sure I understand the point you are making here. I should like it because bonsai is not mainstream?
That makes no sense to me.
im of this same opinion. I like what I like, I don't like what I don't like. I'm not a 'bonsai culture crusader' out to promote anything remotely bonsai related as if I signed up for a 'global campaign' to promote it (through distantly related means..) if people like it, then good. but it would be nice if a few of the dancers actually took up the hobby, because that is what made me appreciate the works from the best artists.

If dance admirers begin to take notice of the fine work at Mirai, and it moves them to take up the hobby and support it, then good for them. But it could be a slippery slope.

Could we end up with some kind of bonsai themed real housewives/kardashians style reality content next?😭
I am a dance fan and a bonsai fan. I am not a fan of this attempt at merging the two. I don't blame him for trying though.
When I did metal sculpture I collaborated with dancers, models, and photographers as well as other visual and sculptural artist/craftsmen. I wasn’t like no this is only for people who like metal sculptures. That’s silly. Mirai is showing us they provided the scene for an art form/practice. I imagine the people at Mirai thought that was cool!
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