I agree with all the above. You simply cant rush this stuff. Look at the schedule Kimura uses/used on his collected trees. 1st year, potted it up/got most of the old soil off, fed well. Second year, feed and water well. This is when you should experience a lot of backbudding, which is the cue to move onto the other steps. Third year, repot to finish removing old soil. Third year fall/fourth year style. Fifth year show. 5 years till a MASTER expected his collected trees to be show ready. I can tell you, these are the steps i follow for all my collected material. The 5 year schedule is really the best case scenario. I have ponderosas that are 4 years from the mountains, backbudding like crazy, and in bonsai pots ready to be styled this fall/late winter, and I have ponderosas 4 years from the mountains that I decided were not on the same schedule and they went back into pond baskets. What is the gain from me rushing those weaker ponderosas a year or two? An inferior tree with less backbuds, more susceptible to pest/disease, possible dieback from styling, inferior design options because of less backbuds etc. The list goes on and on. You have a really nice tree in front of you, respect it, dont rush it and kill it/experience dieback that diminishes the potential awesomeness.