Yamadori Mt Hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) No. 1 The Twins

Thanks so much @River's Edge for this information. Along with your advice I spent a good deal of time reading. watching videos, and talking through the process, especially with the PBM Curator. So here goes…

Both Mountain Hemlock clusters were barked in their containers for the spring. We waited for the buds to start to green up.

The buds just began to green up this week. This was our trigger for the repots.

Here’s the Twins ready to go.

View attachment 433338

Bark removed, teased back the soil to uncover the root tips on the side. Teased the soil back on the bottom, core and underneath across to the edges.

View attachment 433339

View attachment 433336

Prepping the Anderson flat

View attachment 433337

Adding the media. This is a 3:1:1 mix including charcoal and some biochar on the surface later on.

View attachment 433335 .

Wired down and ready to add the rest of the media and chopstick around the rootball etc.

View attachment 433333

All finished watering in. We plan to do some reduction pruning in the fall.

View attachment 433353

So our second Mt Hemlock clump done! That’s about the last of the major work for the spring except for two Mugo we will do in a month or two

DSD sends
That's a nice clump.
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