By reference manual are you talking about one of Dirr's books?As for the seeds, the reference manual did say 'stratification' wasn't necessary with jbp.
BTW to stratify means to put into layers. The way nurserymen used to treat seeds was to prepare seed beds with layers, like a layer of sand, a layer of compost, a layer of mulch etc. That's where the term stratification comes from. Now most people just let the seeds absorb water (sometimes hot water or acid is used to break down the seed coat, or it is mechanically 'nicked') and store cold for a certain period. That's why it's probably better to say pre treat seeds... you're not necessarily 'making layers' of anything ....
That's good to know. Pre treat.
Just a quick question- what's your background Txhorticulture? You appear to be quite knowledgable about horticulture and more specifically the nursery trade so I get the vibe you are in the nursery buisiness and are now getting into bonsai?