Wrightia Religiosa, scared that my tree might be dying, and in need of some guidelines


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Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hello fellow members. I'm very new to Bonsai, and i just got my wrightia religiousa, the tree looked perfectly healthy when I bought it except I noticed that on one of draining holes roots seemed kinda like they are beginning to rot (tho i know nothing about gardening). The girl in the store told me to water it 2 times daily, with plenty of water until it starts draining (while other forums suggest this might induce root rotting). Since yesterday leafs started showing some dots, some of them even started going brown on the ends (i pinched them off?)

Second thing I wanted to ask is will my tree keep on growing in this small pot (i would like to get trunk much thicker) or I need to repot it. Which style could I pursue with these branches splitting at the same height (or should i cut off one and wire the other to get new top). Also I can't decide what should be face of my tree, even tho i read some guides on it, tree pretty much looks the same from all sides to me.

Pretty much any advice such as should i prune it (it just looks like it has too many branches and foliage for such a young bonsai) or not, or about anything else is very welcomed. I'll attach some pictures and hope for some help.

Thank you very much in advance!!
I think you might want to keep you tree alive before thinking of a possible front and the style. You should water a tree just before the point it gets too dry/not moist, this depends on the soil-mix the temperature outside and the tree ofcourse. I think 2 times watering per day is too much (maybe in the middle of the summer when it's hot but not in this temperature).
Hello. Thanks for reply.
I'm staying in Malaysia at the moment and it's always summer here. This tree should love this weather as I heard.

I cannot upload my pictures somehow, would really like to show u roots and leafs, it's a small pot so i guess that's why they told me to water it 2 times (and give it direct light).
Hello. Thanks for reply.
I'm staying in Malaysia at the moment and it's always summer here. This tree should love this weather as I heard.

I cannot upload my pictures somehow, would really like to show u roots and leafs, it's a small pot so i guess that's why they told me to water it 2 times (and give it direct light).

Keep it damp but not swimming. Indirect/Partial sun until it shows it is happy then move it to direct sun slowly "if" that is where you want to grow it. No fertilizer until then and when you fertilize use a mix with NO nitrogen. If there are roots growing out of the drain holes cut them off for now. They are very hardy but as with any plant they MUST acclimate to a new place for best success. Keep it alive and next season worry about design once it is happy and healthy;)

By the way please tell me how to upload pictures.

There are two ways to uploading a picture: one way is to insert the http link of a picture you see on line, the other way is to directly upload it onto this site. If you have a link to your picture that you post else where, for example say imgur, you can copy the link (typically ends in .jpg .png. and so on) click on the 15th icon in the reply or post window, the icon next to the smiley face, paste the link into the window that will pop up and it'll paste the linked image into the content of your post. The other way would be to go to the lower right hand corner and click on the "Upload a File" button. You will then be able to select an image in your computer to upload once done just save it and it'll be posted with your post. Hope this helped!
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Thank you very much. Ok here is Jasmine.

And could anyone recognize these cuttings I managed to get them tday, also how can I propagate them, can they be propagated like ficus in water?
Hello fellow members. I'm very new to Bonsai, and i just got my wrightia religiousa, the tree looked perfectly healthy when I bought it except I noticed that on one of draining holes roots seemed kinda like they are beginning to rot (tho i know nothing about gardening). The girl in the store told me to water it 2 times daily, with plenty of water until it starts draining (while other forums suggest this might induce root rotting). Since yesterday leafs started showing some dots, some of them even started going brown on the ends (i pinched them off?)

The first time i got the plant from nursery, they repot for me and after i got back.. all the leaves wither down after 2 days... and 4th day the leaves grow back some small and some big leaves. I just cut the big leaves.. guess this plant leaves will drop if you change place or repot.. correct me if i'm wrong i'm just experiencing the same thing too.. lucky the tree growing back;)
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