Would you buy this?

One of these days people will realize 99% of your threads that ask a question like this one did are a trick. Lol of course the tree is awesome... Or you wouldn't have asked the question. Lol love it... And your smokin hot yard.

Trick or no trick... It's an awesome lesson in material selection... Which of course is the whole point. ;)

I wasn't tricked. I enjoy these posts from al very much, informative and fun. Especially since everyone's trees are pretty much out of mind for the winter.
Nice tree . . . BUT (always!) I'd like to see that tangle of jin simplified a bit.
I kinda like the jin how it is. It almost seems like the remains of the first canopy that died off before the tree grew in a different direction...or something. I think it adds balance.
Nice tree, but did you ever tell us how much you paid for it and where you found it?
I like the tree too but I agree with jkl... that Jin keeps your eye longer than needed before it again follows the graceful line of the trunk. Are you intending to work that area more Al or are you happy as is?
Two suggestions from a has been. The jin is too busy and the trunk needs to be reduced after the bend, a little shari will take care of that problem. Leave the Lime Sulfur in the bottle, this isn't Japan.....:p

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