I'll chime in as another one with a reptile history! I've bred at least a dozen gecko species as well as designer boas and kept myriad species both as pets and for work. I've been bitten by all five of the largest snake species on earth, and I worked for a major reptile pet product manufacturer for years!
Forget miss "sever anxiety" if she's that sensitive; there was nothing even remotely offensive about Sorce's post. I saw it as a genuine effort to put it in terms she might identify with.
Oh well, at least her thread brought us herpetology buffs out of the closet

One thing about the hobby that always bugged me though was the names - I am so tired of Leopard Geckos named Leo, Iguanas named Iggy, and pythons named Monty that I could puke . . . she probably had a Crested Gecko named Cresty.