Worm castings


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Spring Hill, FL

I was hoping to find out if anyone has used worm castings successfully as a fertilizer for Bonsai. I was thinking of sprinkling a little bit of on a few of my potted Bonsai.

I am also considering trying Espoma’s holly-tone and tree-tone which are organic granules.

Thanks for your time!
Not sure about the Espoma's have never heard or used them. Not sure how effective the worm castings will be when used at such a low application rate. One problem I see is drainage over time with the castings. One large factor with true bonsai soil is proper drainage and anything that may impede that is frowned upon. Just my two cents.
Not sure about the Espoma's have never heard or used them. Not sure how effective the worm castings will be when used at such a low application rate. One problem I see is drainage over time with the castings. One large factor with true bonsai soil is proper drainage and anything that may impede that is frowned upon. Just my two cents.

Thanks for the reply.

Sounds logical. I’ll stay away from it for now.
I've used the espoma granules in conjunction with a liquid fertilizer program with good results. I would also steer away from anything that can clog your soil. I use a solid fertilizer but put it in teabags.
I use Espoma's Biotone exclusively for everything, it's their root stimulator formula (I think it's a 4-3-3) and I have had pretty good results with it. It has more myco and beneficial bacteria than their other products, but to get it's myco benefits the fertilizer must come in contact with the root system.

A few cautions though: don't use a lot if any for indoor plants because Espoma's Tone products are mostly chicken manure and will attract bugs (I just wouldn't use a ton, which I tend to do...) And if you're worried about pests on your outdoor trees mix your soil with the fertilizer and then plant and then topdress with a couple inches of plain substrate, this can help keep down fungal gnats and other pests. I also have to keep my Biotone inside now because raccoons were eating through the bag :confused:
Also to @AZbonsai ,

NPK - 2-1-1 to 0.5 -0 -0

Please remember you are using this at the growbox/refinement stage of your bonsai.
Fine branches and finer leaves etc.

Here is a little basic research to start you reading-


NPK levels in organic fertilizer are much lower than those shown in synthetic fertilizers during lab testing. They are soil amendments that work slowly over time to improve your soil and to help your plants grow strong. They don’t weaken plants by forcing fast growth and flowering. Therefore, big NPK numbers don’t necessarily mean a better fertilizer.

Worm castings also have beneficial bacteria and fungi to build up soil, and assists with disease suppression. Earthworm castings have over 60 micronutrients and trace minerals, including calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphates and potash.

Castings act as a barrier to help plants grow in soil where the pH levels are too high or too low. They balance pH so plants can absorb nutrients from the soil. If that isn’t amazing enough, worm castings also retain moisture which is great for growing in drought conditions.
Thanks Anthony! I do use them in my garden just not my bonsai.
Compost tea @cbroad ,

does not work ---------------- tested on trees last year ------ lost branches.
But don't take my word see - http://www.gardenmyths.com/?s=compost+tea&submit=Search

there are a few articles.

This is also why we down here question tea bags of fermented oil seed meal.
When it composts in the bag where does the N go ?

Normally most folk are also using Fish Fertiliser -

"with an N-P-K (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) ratio of 5-2-2."

which is sufficient to feed a Bonsai in REFINEMENT [ pardon the shouting ]

So what we wondered was if the Fish Fertiliser was doing the work as
the Oil seed meal turned into 1 N 1 P 1 K [ compost ].

More side research -:confused::rolleyes:

Additionally ------------ compost sticks together to form shapes mimicking
the shape and size of the inorganic material in the soil [ our case 5 mm ]
It does not spread out into fine particles.
So it actually aids in drainage.
We see this everytime we repot.

BUT please test this on expendables, and don't just take my word.
Good Day
Also to @AZbonsai ,

NPK - 2-1-1 to 0.5 -0 -0

Please remember you are using this at the growbox/refinement stage of your bonsai.
Fine branches and finer leaves etc.

Here is a little basic research to start you reading-


NPK levels in organic fertilizer are much lower than those shown in synthetic fertilizers during lab testing. They are soil amendments that work slowly over time to improve your soil and to help your plants grow strong. They don’t weaken plants by forcing fast growth and flowering. Therefore, big NPK numbers don’t necessarily mean a better fertilizer.

Worm castings also have beneficial bacteria and fungi to build up soil, and assists with disease suppression. Earthworm castings have over 60 micronutrients and trace minerals, including calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphates and potash.

Castings act as a barrier to help plants grow in soil where the pH levels are too high or too low. They balance pH so plants can absorb nutrients from the soil. If that isn’t amazing enough, worm castings also retain moisture which is great for growing in drought conditions.

Wow! Had no idea castings are that awesome! AWESOME!
I've used the espoma granules in conjunction with a liquid fertilizer program with good results. I would also steer away from anything that can clog your soil. I use a solid fertilizer but put it in teabags.

Got it. I like this teabag idea. I’m going to try this right away along with making tea out of it.
You can powder dust then worm castings over your soil.
If it clogs your soil you need new soil anyway!

Just rinse it in slow, let it sit for a day and settle back into a few soil particle cavities before regular watering again.

Happy Soil.

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