Go to You Tube, search for John Geanangel, he has a number of great videos on azalea. A picture is worth a thousand words, his vids are good visuals of what can be done with azalea.
When you repot is in part a matter of where you live. 0soyoung is in the Pacific Northwest where weather is pretty mild year round, not hot, not cold. I'm in the midwest, where winter is frigid and 4 months long, with relatively moderate summers. I usually have less than 10 days where the high's are over 90 F. John
@Mellow Mullet is in Alabama, an area with mild winters, and hot humid summers. So when to repot changes from growing area to growing area.
Where are you at? WHat climate, more so than actual address. Are your azaleas indoors? or in cold storage? or outdoors right now? The answers to place and where they are will give others what we need to give you better advice.
My azaleas are in a cool, or rather cold well house, where the temperature hovers between 30 F and 40 F. Cold enough they are fully dormant even though they have their evergreen leaves on them. There is no light in my wellhouse. Because they are fully dormant, they get by without the light. I won't do anything with them until it is safe to put them outside, about May 1.
Hope this helps. There are many posts on this forum about azalea, in the Flowering sub forum. You might have to go back a few pages, use the search function, search "azalea" and "Satsuki".