Wishing to buy a Paul's Scarlet Hawthorn...

It's a fugly thing right now, maybe when I get some flowers this year if I do (I've only had it since last summer.) Another reason you'll have to stop by sometime, lol...
Now,that I have pulminary specialist...Just maybe I can keep this under control and get down your way this summer. I am hopeful!
I can't recall what size I bought, but as I was trying to get as many as my budget would allow, I'm sure I got the smallest available intending on doing my own growing. They are grafted, but I have not noticed excessive suckering. Of course I have been letting them grow on for cuttings so I haven't been doing any cutbacks.
I also have a Snakethorn, which is a contorted Hawthorn with flowers similar to Crimson Cloud. I'll be slicing and dicing that one, too.
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