It is possible to actually have a windswept tree that isn't all contorted and bent over...
You know... one that doesn't actually take it to the extreme? I mean... are there not trees
that perhaps portray a sense of the range between slightly Windswept... and well... Falling Over?
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View attachment 136455
My own Personal View???
Next Time, just don't actually tell people it is a Windswept... This way you can design it as you see fit.
And you will not have to have arguments over whether or not someone thinks it is Windswept enough.
The deadwood top does not bother me...
I do not think it has to be necessarily bent over to play the part. And in fact... I actually like that it does not.
If any change was to be made, I would actually suggest one bend it in the opposite direction, slightly To the right.
So as to not necessarily be straight. Your tree has angles... this section does not. Bending it to either side, adds an angle.
Bending it to the right adds interest.
What bothers me... is the Terrible Virtual. Sorry, not trying to be mean... But it and the concept of the pot, totally change the
whole feel of the tree. The picture right above almost looks like a totally different tree, and a much nicer tree. It took me a moment to
figure out what makes it look not so good... and it is the negative spacing between the bottom branch and the trunk. In the virt it has tons...
in the picture above it has none. I would opt for the none... the pot sticking up, almost feels like a large rock or boulder that the tree is just
slightly hovering over. Just my buck fifty.